Array Sort
Use the Array Sort action to sort an array in the specified order.
Complete the following steps to use the Array Sort action in your workflow:
1. Click and drag the Array Sort action under Operations to the canvas, place the pointer on the action, and then click or double-click the action. The Array Sort window opens.
2. Edit the Label, if needed. By default, the label name is the same as the action name.
3. In the Source Array Stringify or Reference field, enter an array or map an appropriate output of a previous action to provide an array stringify or reference. You need to specify an array that has contents of the same data type.
4. Click Show additional fields.
5. In the Sorting Based on Property field, enter the key based on which the array must be sorted.
This option is applicable only if the input array has objects with the same keys. If the source array contains objects and you do not provide any key, no sorting occurs.
6. In the Sorting Order list, depending on the order in which you want to sort the array, select Ascending or Descending
7. Click Done.
Output schema
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