Troubleshooting Your Installation
You can use log files to troubleshoot your installation. The log files are saved to the following locations:
ThingWorx Flow installation or upgrade logs
ThingWorx Flow running logs
RabbitMQ logs
Windows: <ThingWorx_Flow_Install_Location>\modules\RabbitMQ\log
Linux: /var/log/rabbitmq
NGinx logs
Windows: C:\Program Files\nginx-<version>\logs
Linux: /var/log/nginx
ThingWorx Foundation logs
Abort or failure logs
Example: /tmp/ThingWorxFlow_Failed_installs/
Uninstall logs
The log file name has prefix bitrock.
Example: /tmp/bitrock_installer_3008.log
To validate ThingWorx Flow connectivity
If the ThingWorx Flow server URL is not accessible or returns an error code 502 or 504
If the ThingWorx Foundation host is not accessible from the ThingWorx Flow virtual machine
1. Navigate to the RabbitMQ log files under the <ThingWorx_Flow_Install_Location>\modules\RabbitMQ\log folder.
2. Open the log file and check if the following line is available in the log file:
user 'flowuser' authenticated and granted access to vhost 'orchestration'
3. If the line is not available, do the following:
Check the firewall connection on the ThingWorx Foundation virtual machine.
Ensure that the RabbitMQ port is accessible on both hosts.
Check if ThingWorx Foundation and ThingWorx Flow hosts can reach each other using the DNS name or the host name.
If flow execution in the engine stops abruptly
Review your software before you make any changes:
Set the ephemeral ports for services on your operating system between 5000 and 65535.
For information about ephemeral ports and its range, see The Ephemeral Port Range.
Reduce TIME_WAIT on sockets to 30 seconds.
If you have updated the password of the ThingWorx Flow database administrator
You must update the same password in ThingWorx Flow. To do so, complete the steps in Updating the ThingWorx Flow Database Administrator Password.
If you want to update the RabbitMQ password
If the password of the user that ran the ThingWorx Flow installer changed
You must restart ThingWorx Flow. To do so, complete the following steps:
1. Stop the ThingWorx-Flow service.
2. Right-click the ThingWorxFlow installation folder, and provide all permissions to the NETWORK SERVICE group.
3. In Windows Services, right-click the ThingWorx-Flow service, and select Properties. Select the Log On tab, and for the Network Service account, update the password.
4. Start the ThingWorx-Flow service.
5. If the ThingWorx-Foundation service uses the same user, then repeat the same procedure.
1. Restart the ThingWorx-Flow service.
2. If the ThingWorx-Foundation service uses the same user, then restart the ThingWorx-Foundation service.
If you are unable to run ThingWorx Flow in case ThingWorx Analytics was installed before ThingWorx Flow
This may be caused as RabbitMQ services for both, ThingWorx Analytics and ThingWorx Flow, are listening to the same default port. If this is the case, you must reconfigure RabbitMQ port for ThingWorx Flow to listen to other port than default port.
After installation, if ThingWorx Flow is not loading and displays error code 502
During the installation if HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY is used to connect to the internet, then this setting is picked up by the dump.pm2 and is added in the environment variable.
In this case, delete the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY settings in the dump.pm2 file and from environment variable.
Verify that ports used for communication between foundation and flow are not blocked at the server or firewall level. The ports in use are found in platform-settings.json, vhost-flow.conf, nginx.conf and deployment config files.
If the following error message is logged in the nginx logs, this means that the port similar to 443 is blocked by other application. This happens when you try to install many application on single machine. For e.g., Foundation, Flow, Windchill etc.
2021/11/30 15:42:15 [emerg] 47544#47116: bind() to failed (10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions)
Check if the URLs and ports mentioned in vhost-flow.conf and deployment.config files are correct. (Backup the files before changing)
If you are using commercial certificates or if you have made any changes in the certificates, follow the steps in the article Configuring SSL for ThingWorx Flow .
If login to ThingWorx Flow is successful after configuring the CA signed certificate, but ThingWorx is unable to connect to ThingWorx Flow
The java keystore (cacerts) may be missing the CA's root and intermediate certificates. For more information, see “Notes” section in Configuring SSL for ThingWorx Flow
If ThingWorx Flow fails to create rows to MSSQL database with error Invalid column name "id".
ThingWorx Flow assumes MSSQL tables has id column as a primary key by default. If id column is not a primary key:
Use id either as primary key.
Do not use id as a column name.
In case of connectivity problems between ThingWorx and ThingWorx Flow services, the following error codes and messages are displayed.
Error Code
Error Message
ThingWorx Flow is not enabled. Add the OrchestrationSettings section to the platform-settings.json file to enable ThingWorx Flow.
Failed to connect to RabbitMQ. Check whether the RabbitMQ service is running and is accessible.
Failed to connect to ThingWorx Flow. Check ThingWorx logs for more detail.
Failed to connect to ThingWorx Flow. Ensure that you are accessing an Nginx-hosted ThingWorx instance. ThingWorx Flow is not supported on a Tomcat-hosted ThingWorx. Ensure that all ThingWorx Flow services are running and are healthy. In case of self-signed certificate, make sure that correct CN is provided.
OAuth admin key not found in the ThingWorx KeyStore.
Exchange admin key not found in the ThingWorx KeyStore.
Failed to get ThingWorx Flow keys from the ThingWorx KeyStore.
Failed to get ThingWorx Flow keys from the ThingWorx KeyStore.
Failed to connect to ThingWorx Flow exchange service. Check ThingWorx logs for more details.
Failed to connect to ThingWorx Flow exchange service. Check whether ThingWorx Flow exchange service is up and running.
Failed to connect to ThingWorx Flow OAuth service. Check ThingWorx logs for more details.
Failed to connect to ThingWorx Flow OAuth service. Check whether ThingWorx Flow OAuth service is up and running.
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