Users can be created without passwords in the following situations:
• Active Directory/SSO provisioned users
• Users that are solely created to support application keys
Do not copy and paste the sample below, as it may cause bad formatting in your platform-settings.json. Instead, click here and copy from the file.
PTC strongly recommends:
• Using a strong password, complying with NIST Authenticator and Verifier Requirements.
• Changing this password after logging in for the first time to another strong password.
• Deleting the password from the platform-settings.json file after the Administrator user has been created, as it is no longer needed.
If Tomcat fails to start and reports the error message: Check the InitialPassword setting in the AdministratorUserPassword section in platform-settings.json. Password must be a minimum of 14 characters, check the following:
• The password setting exists in platform-settings.json.
• The password is valid (14 or more characters by default, but can be changed in the User Management Subsystem).
• The platform-settings.json file is formatted correctly - bad formatting could lead to errors.