Authenticators allow you to create customized and secure authentication mechanisms for users, applications, or Edge devices that need to connect with ThingWorx. Topics that are available under Authenticator in the table of contents, provide summary information and examples related to specific implementations of authenticator extensions. For complete information on creating custom extensions, refer to
ThingWorx Extensibility.
Authenticator Development
Authenticators are developed as extensions to ThingWorx, using the Eclipse Plugin for ThingWorx Extension. This plugin simplifies extension creation, integrates with the ThingWorx Extension SDK, and automates building and packaging.
Using this framework, you can create your own custom authenticator extensions:
• Edge Device Authenticators — If you have Edge devices that support using maps of key/value credentials for authentication, you can create authenticator extensions that process these Edge devices as security claims to allow them to connect with ThingWorx.
• Login Authenticators — If users are on different, but related servers, and need to sign into ThingWorx via HTTP, you can create authenticator extensions that allow secure login from other applications, or locations in a web browser.