-d | -D | --database | -n | --name
The name of the database to create in Azure.
-g | --resourceGroup
The name of the resource group in Azure to create the database under.
-h | -H | --server
The SQL server resource to store the DB in.
-c | --capacity
The capacity component of the sku in integer number of DTUs or vcores.
Collation of the metadata catalog. Accepted Values: DATABASE_DEFAULT, SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
The collation to use for the database.
-e | --edition | --tier
The edition component of the sku. Accepted Values: Basic, Standard, Premium, GeneralPurpose, BusinessCritical.
The name of the elastic pool the database is associated with.
-f | --family
The compute generation component of the sku -- for vcore skus only. Accepted Values: Gen4, Gen5.
The license type to apply for this Azure SQL DB. Accepted Values: BasePrice, LicenseIncluded.
The max storage size. If a unit is not specified, defaults to bytes - B.
Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.
The name of the sample schema to apply when creating this database.
The SLA set on the database. Accepted Values: Basic, S0, P1, GP_Gen4_1, BC_Gen5_2
The tags on the database used to filter when searching.
Specifies the type of authentication to use. True for device code or false for browser login.
-z | --zone-redundant
Specifies whether to enable zone redundancy.
-d | -D | --database | -n | --name
The name of the database to create in Azure.
-h | -H | --server
The SQL server resource to store the database in.
-i | -I
Server instance holding the database.
-s | -S | --schema
Schema to identify all of the SQL objects to be created from this script.
-t | -T
The password ThingWorx uses to authenticate with the Azure SQL database.
-l | -L
SQL Server username used to log into the Azure SQL server resource.
-u | -U
Username ThingWorx uses to authenticate with the Azure SQL database.
-o | -O | --option
Pass in one of the available options to indicate what parts of the schema to install.
Available options: all, property, model, data, modelwithproperty, and enablesso
-d | -D | --database | -n | --name
The name of the database to delete in Azure
-h | -H | --server
The SQL server resource the DB is stored in
-g | --resourceGroup
The resource group in Azure the DB resides under
-y | --yes
Do not prompt for confirmation
Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish
Specify what kind of authentication to use. True for device code or false for browser login
-d | -D
The name of the database in managed instance to clean
-h | -H
The Managed instance name
-i | -I
Server instance holding the DB.
-a | -A
Managed instance admin login
-s | -S
Schema to identify all of the SQL objects to be created from this script
-l | -L
SQL Server Username used to log into the Azure SQL server resource
-u | -U
Username ThingWorx uses to authenticate with the Azure SQL DB
-d | -D
The name of the database in the managed instance to clean.
-h | -H
The Managed instance name.
-i | -I
Server instance holding the database.
-l | -L
SQL Server Username used to log into the Azure SQL server resource.
-o | -O
Pass in one of the available options to indicate what parts of the schema to install
Valid values: all, enablesso, model, property, data, modelwithproperty
-d | -D
The name of the database in managed instance to clean.
-h | -H
The managed instance name.
-i | -I
Server instance holding the database.
-a | -A
Managed instance admin login
-n | --name
The name of the elastic pool to create in Azure.
-g | --resourceGroup
The resource group in Azure to create the database under.
Configure a default with:
az configure --defaults group=<name>
-h | -H | --server
The SQL server resource to store the database in.
Configure a default with:
az configure --defaults sql-server=<name>
-c | --capacity | --dtu
The capacity component of the sku in integer number of DTUs or vcores.
--db-dtu-max | --db-max-capacity | --db-max-dtu
The maximum capacity, in DTUs or vcores, any one database can consume.
--db-dtu-min | --db-min-capacity | --db-min-dtu
The minimum capacity, in DTUs or vcores, each database is guaranteed.
-e | --edition | --tier
The edition component of the sku.
Allowed values include: Basic, Standard, Premium, GeneralPurpose, BusinessCritical.
-f | --family
The compute generation component of the sku, for vcore skus only.
Allowed values include: Gen4, Gen5.
The license type to apply for this elastic pool.
Allowed values include: BasePrice, LicenseIncluded.
The max storage size. If a unit is not specified, defaults to bytes - B.
Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.
The tags on the database used to filter when searching.
-z | --zone-redundant
Specifies whether to enable zone redundancy.
-n | --name
The name of the elastic pool to delete in Azure
-h | -H | --server
The SQL server resource the elastic pool is stored in.
-g | --resourceGroup
The resource group in Azure the elastic pool resides under.
-y | --yes
Do not prompt for confirmation.
Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.
Specify what kind of authentication to use. True for device code or false for browser login.