Getting Started with ThingWorx > Importing and Exporting in ThingWorx
Importing and Exporting in ThingWorx
Authorizing Nonadmin Imports
Non-administrative users can now use the Import/Export menu when granted specific privileges. To give non administrative users that ability, you must add a nonadmin user to the Importers group. The following bullet points contain information on authorizing imports and setting up permissions to protect sensitive entities so unauthorized users can’t overwrite them.
Permissions can be assigned directly to the Importers group (for all nonadmin importers who will use the instance), other groups that users already belong to, or the individual users themselves.
Grant design time Create permissions on entity collections that need to be imported.
Grant design time Update permissions on either specific entities that will be updated, or if necessary, on entire entity collections.
When granting Visibility permissions for other existing entities, be aware that the ability to import over an entity can grant virtually complete control over it.
If Importers must have update permissions on User Groups, make sure they do not have visibility to the Administrator group.
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