Configuring SSL/TLS for ZooKeeper
You can configure SSL or TLS for ZooKeeper when using ThingWorx HA Clustering:
Configuring ZooKeeper
1. Make sure you are running a version of ZooKeeper that supports SSL or TLS.
2. Get your SSL certificate and the trust store.
The only acceptable extensions for certificates are JKS, PEM, and PKCS12(p12).
3. Go to apache-zookeeper-[version]-bin/conf and update or create zoo.cfg.
4. Add the following entries:
To activate the quorum between ZooKeeper nodes, set the variable sslQuorum=true in thezoo.cfg file. The nodes will use the auto-generated SSL to secure the quorum.
5. Modify <path to zookeeper>/bin/
6. Start ZooKeeper:
./ start
7. In the logs, verify that the configuration is correct:
tail -f apache-zookeeper-3.5.6-bin/logs/<zookeeper-log-file>
Configuring ThingWorx
1. Copy the ZooKeeper certificates to your instance or make sure they are available on the machine where ThingWorx is running.
2. Modify your platform-settings.json to include the following as a root element at the end of the file, on the same level as PlatformSettingsConfig.
"ZookeeperSettings": {
"SSLEnabled": "true",
# If SSL is enabled, you must include the following; trust store is optional:
"KeyStorePath": "<path-to-zookeeper-certificates>/zookeeper.p12",
"KeyStorePass": "<certificate-password>",
"TrustStorePath": "<path-to-zookeeper-certificates>/truststore.p12",
"TrustStorePass": "<truststore-password>"

"SASLEnabled": "false",
# If SASL is enabled, you must include the following:
"JaasConfPath": "/tmp1/jaas.conf",
"Krb5ConfPath": "/tmp1/krb5.conf"
3. Search for the default ZooKeeper port 2181 and replace it with the secure port 2281.
4. Make sure all of the CoordinatorHosts entries and address-resolver > connection ports are updated to match the secureClientPort value from zoo.cfg.
Configuring Ignite
1. Copy the Ignite certificates to your ThingWorx instance or make sure they are available on the machine where the Ignite server is running.
2. Set the ZOOKEEPER_CONNECTION environment variable, and find the JVM_XOPTS environment variable used to start Ignite and update it as follows:
# zookeeper1 represents the host name where zookeeper is available and 2281 the secure port from zoo.cfg
export ZOOKEEPER_CONNECTION=zookeeper1:2281,zookeeper2:2281,zookeeper3:2281

# update the JVM_XOPTS
JVM_XOPTS=-Dzookeeper.clientCnxnSocket=org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocketNetty -Dzookeeper.ssl.keyStore.location=<path-to-zookeeper-certificates>/zookeeper.p12 -Dzookeeper.ssl.keyStore.password=<keystore-password> -Dzookeeper.ssl.trustStore.location=<path-to-zookeeper-certificates>/truststore.p12 -Dzookeeper.ssl.trustStore.password=<truststore-password>
Configuring the Connection Server
1. Copy the ZooKeeper certificates to your instance or make sure they are available on the machine where the Connection Server is running.
2. Update the port for the cx-server.discovery.connectionString in the Connection Server configuration file to use the secure port.
For example, cx-server.discovery.connectionString = "{zookeeper-host}:2281".
3. Add the following system properties to the CONNECTION_SERVER_OPTS environment variable.
For example:
Encrypting Passwords Using the ThingWorx Security Management Tool
If you want to avoid inserting plain passwords into the platform-settings.json file, you can encrypt passwords inside twx-keystore using the security tool. You must encrypt the password using the encrypt.zk.keystore.password and encrypt.zk.truststore.password for key store and trust store passwords respectively.
./security-common-cli keystore.conf set encrypt.zk.keystore.password "ptcptc"
Then change the platform-settings.json file to have ThingWorx pick the password from the key store:
"KeyStorePass": "encrypt.zk.keystore.password",
"TrustStorePass": "encrypt.zk.truststore.password"
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