Installing ThingWorx
There are several options for installing ThingWorx, including using installers, manual installation, and using Docker images. Information for each option is linked in the sections below.
Using the ThingWorx Foundation Installer
| If you are also installing Navigate, ThingWorx must be installed using the ThingWorx Foundation Installer before installing Navigate. Manual installation in not supported in this scenario. |
| If you previously installed CINC on your own, it is recommended that you uninstall CINC and let the installer install it as part of our installation. |
ThingWorx Foundation Installer is available for on-premise environments for several operating system and database combinations. For more information, see
ThingWorx Foundation Installer.
This installer will do the following:
• Upgrade ThingWorx Foundation if an existing installer-run installation is found
• Install ThingWorx Foundation
◦ Install Tomcat
◦ Help you configure your ThingWorx Foundation license
Manual Installation
If your operating system and database combination aren’t available as an automatic installer, manual installation is required. Supported operating systems for
ThingWorx can be found in the ThingWorx
System Requirements for the version you are installing.
| If you are also installing Navigate, ThingWorx must be installed using the ThingWorx Foundation Installer before installing Navigate. Manual installation is not supported in this scenario. |
• Windows Installation: Database options are PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Azure SQL, Azure Postgres Flexible Server, and InfluxDB.
• Ubuntu Installation: Database options are PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Azure SQL, Azure Postgres Flexible Server, and InfluxDB.
• RHEL Installation: Database options are PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Azure SQL, Azure Postgres Flexible Server, and InfluxDB.
Using ThingWorx Docker Images
Docker files and supporting scripts are available to enable building Docker Images of the ThingWorx Platform. Refer to
Building ThingWorx Docker Images for more information.