Running a Silent Installer for ThingWorx Foundation
You can perform a silent, unattended installation from the command line interface (CLI).
To see the various parameters that should be passed to the silent installer, you can run the
ThingWorx Foundation installer with the
--help parameter. For example:
• For Windows: ThingWorxFoundationPostgres-9.0.0-x64.exe --help
• For Linux: --help
The following is a sample command to deploy ThingWorx Foundation on Windows with PostgreSQL and SSL enabled:
./ThingWorxFoundationPostgres-9.0.0-x86_64.exe --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui minimal --MLDC_ACCEPT 1 --accept_eula YES
--NEW_TWX_PASSWORD <userpassword> --CONFIGURE_SSL 1 --POSTGRES_IP_ADDR localhost --TWX_DB_LOGIN_USERNAME <dbusername>
--TWX_DB_LOGIN_PASSWORD "DBPASSWORD" --TWX_DB_NAME <database name> --SSLTWX_PORT <SSL port> --SSLMODE <sslmode> --SSLROOTCERTIFICATEPATH <sslrootcertificatepath> --KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH <.jks file path>
--KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD <keystore-password> --CERTIFICATE_ALIAS_NAME <aliasname> --CERTIFICATE_ALIAS_PASSWORD <keystore-alias-password>
The following is a sample command to deploy ThingWorx Foundationon Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.5 with PostgreSQL and SSL enabled:
./ --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui minimal --MLDC_ACCEPT 1 --accept_eula YES
--TWX_DB_LOGIN_PASSWORD '<dbuser>' --TWX_DB_NAME <dbusername> --SSLTWX_PORT 8443 --SSLMODE <sslmode> --SSLROOTCERTIFICATEPATH <sslrootcertificatepath> --KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH <keystorefilepath>
The value for the --NEW_TWX_PASSWORD parameter cannot contain or be enclosed in single quotes ('), double quotes (''), or section(§).
The following is a sample command to run a silent upgrade for ThingWorx Foundation on Windows 2016 with PostgreSQL and SSL enabled:
ThingWorxFoundationPostgres-9.0.0-x64.exe --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui minimal --THINGWORX_ADMIN_PASSWORD <password> --accept_eula YES
The following is a sample command to deploy ThingWorx Foundation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.5 with PostgreSQL and SSL enabled:
ThingWorxFoundationPostgres-9.0.0-x64.exe --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui minimal --THINGWORX_ADMIN_PASSWORD <password> --accept_eula YES