Configure ThingWorx as a Resource Server
Configure the resourceServerSetting.json File
1. Stop the ThingWorx server.
2. Create the resourceServerSettings.json file in the same directory as sso-settings.json.
The following is a sample structure of the resourceServerSettings.json file:
"ResourceServerSettings": {
"accessTokenServicesSettings": {
"tokenUsernameAttribute": "See information in the table below",
"tokenPublicKeyUrl": "See information in the table below",
"administratorAlias": "See information in the table below",
"administratorInternalName": "Administrator",
"issuer": "See information in the table below",
"tokenValidationType": "local"
"globalScopes": "See information in the table below",
"uriScopes": [
"uri": "See information in the table below",
"scopes": "See information in the table below",
"method": "See information in the table below"
3. Ensure that you edit the value of every parameter as per your requirement. Your implementation may vary depends on several factors, such as the security policies of your organization and the CAS for your federation. Use the information in the following tables as guidance to set values for different parameters.
4. Start the ThingWorx server.
ResourceServerSettings.accessTokenServicesSettings Settings
Optional: The claim name that holds the username for the resource request.
Default value: “unique_name”
Mandatory: The Microsoft Entra ID public key endpoint (used to validate the access tokens).
The value is constructed as follows:<Microsoft Entra ID tenant ID>/discovery/keys?appid=<Application ID of the ThingWorx Resource Server application>
Optional: The administrator username as it is configured in Microsoft Entra ID.
Optional: The administrator username as it is configured in ThingWorx.
Mandatory: The property point of the access token (JWT).
Optional: Issuer value for additional token validation check.
The issuer value as it appears in the ISS claim in the token.
ResourceServerSettings.globalScopes Settings
List of comma-separated global scopes. Includes the minimum set of scopes required to access any resource. If this parameter is missing or empty, THINGWORX is set as a default global scope. Do not leave this parameter empty. If there is no dedicated scope, then set THINGWORX as a value.
In the case of ThingWorx as Resource Server configuration, this is the scope that was created in Step 2 of Configure ThingWorx as a Resource Server.
ResourceServerSettings.uriScopes Settings
URI pattern. Defines the resource or resource group that requires additional scope(s) to the global scope(s).
Thingworx/Things/** - control all Things
Thingworx/Things/Thing1 – control Thing1
Comma-delimited list of additional scopes. Only the user that has grants to all listed scopes (including global) is allowed to get resource.
Optional. Defines the URI method that the scope will be applied to.
If a method property is not supplied, then it is assumed that the specified URI is protected by the given scope for all of the HTTP method.
Possible values are any methods allowed in REST protocol, such as GET or POST.
If there are scopes defined for a URI, then the global scopes plus the defined URI scopes must be granted to access that resource. If there is more than one URI rule applicable for the requested resource, then all relevant scopes must be granted to access that resource. To avoid access to restricted resources, add URIscope to these REST end points with a scope that does not exist in the Authorization server. In addition to scope protection, ThingWorx has its own user-based permissions that will also be applied on top of the scopes. For example, in a case where User A requests a resource with the correct scopes but does not have permission, the request fails with a 403 error.
Example File:
example file
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