To display various script parameters and their descriptions, run help on any script as follows:
• For *.sh files (run in terminal):
*.sh --help
• For *.ps1 files (run in powershell) -
Get-Help .\*.ps1
In the examples below, the following resource names are used:
• Resource group name – testresourcegroup
• SQL server (logical server) name – testing-sql-server
• SQL server (logical server) admin name
• When prompted about what subscription to use, either type in one of the names listed, or press ENTER to use the subscription that was last set
• To verify the newly-created ThingWorx database in your SQL server logical server, use the following command to list all databases:
az sql db list --resource-group [resource group name] --server [SQL server (logical server) name]
• -l is the SQL Server login user and -u is the ThingWorx database user that will be created and used for ThingWorx.
• When prompted for a password, enter the password for the SQL server (logical server) admin’s password
• To view the details of your ThingWorx database, use following Azure CLI command:
- az sql db show --resource-group [resource group name] --server [logical server name] --name Thingworx
To drop elastic pool, it should not contain any databases.