Overview of Out-of-the-Box Tasks
ThingWorx Navigate includes different types of role-based tasks. Some tasks allow users to access information such as parts lists and documents, while others, such as My Tasks, allow users to participate in processes such as the change request process.
You, the administrator, can tailor the
ThingWorx Navigate user interface by role, so that users from each role only see relevant tasks and relevant information within each task. For more information, see
Tailor a Collection of Tasks and
Tailor a Specific Task.
The full list of out-of-the-box tasks is shown below together with a brief description for each task. You can also find tutorials and videos for some tasks on the
PTC Learning Connector.
View Design Files
View Design Files allows the user to search and select a CAD document or a part and see its design files. The user can open individual files to view them or download a zip file containing all the files.
View Drawing
View Drawing allows the user to search and select a CAD document or a part and view its associated drawing file.
View & Measure in 3D
View & Measure in 3D allows the user to search and select a CAD document or a part and view it using the Creo View client. The user can also see measurements and comments on the CAD document or part.
View Part Properties
View Part Properties allows the user to search and select a CAD document or a part and view its attributes.
View Parts List
View Parts List allows the user to search and select a CAD document or a part and view a list of parts it contains. The list is either single level or multi-level, depending on how the administrator has tailored the task. The user can select a part from the list to see its attributes and thumbnail. The user can also export the part list to a CSV file.
View Part Structure
View Part Structure allows the user to search and select a CAD document or a part and view it in 3D. The 3D view is supported by the ThingView widget, which allows the user to explore the 3D view in various ways, including zooming in and out and isolating a specific part.
The user can also see a table showing all the parts in the part structure together with their attributes. To see more attributes and the thumbnail for a part in the structure, the user can select the part from the 3D view or the part structure table. The user can also export the part structure table to a CSV file.
View Document
View Document allows the user to search and select a document and view it. The user can download the document in its file format. They can also see the document thumbnail, attributes, and attachments, as well as download attachments individually or all together in a zip file.
View Document Structure
View Document Structure allows the user to search and select a document and view it. The user can also see the document structure table and select a document from the table to view it and see its attributes.
My Tasks
My Tasks allows the user to see a list of change request review tasks that are assigned to them. The user can select a task to see more information about it and perform the following actions: Approve, Reject, Analyze, and Reassign. The user can also see attachments, affected items, and activity for the change request task.
Report a Problem
Report a Problem allows the user to create a problem report on a specific CAD document, part, or document. The user can access Report a Problem in two ways: either from the landing page, or directly from any of the tasks in the Parts Tasks or Document Tasks collections. When reporting a problem, the user has the ability to complete key fields like Short Description, Description, Context, Category, and Requested By, and the option to add attachments. When reporting a problem directly from a task in the Parts Tasks or Document Tasks collection, the Context field is automatically populated according to the item on which the problem is being reported, and the user cannot see or edit the field.
You, the administrator, must tailor the task in the Report a Problem tailoring page in order for the task to work properly. You can start the tailoring and save your work at any point, but the task will not work until you complete the tailoring for all required fields.
For information on troubleshooting this task in case of error messages, see the section
Troubleshoot the Report a Problem Task in the topic
Tailor a Specific Task.
Download Drawing Bundle
Download Drawing Bundle allows the user to specify a set of parts or CAD documents and then download a zip file containing drawings for the CAD documents or parts in the set. The user can also download individual drawing files for any of the parts or CAD documents.
For a given part or CAD document, the drawing that is available for download is the drawing that is associated with the latest iteration of the latest revision of the part or CAD document.