Tailor a Collection of Tasks
Out of the box tasks in ThingWorx Navigate are classified into four collections that share common tailoring options:
• Part tasks
• Document tasks
• Change Management tasks
• Other tasks
Custom tasks are part of the Custom tasks collection. The Custom tasks collection only appears in the user interface when a custom task is added to the landing page following the steps in the topic
Add a Custom Task to Your Homepage and when it is tailored to be visible for the role.
As an administrator, you can use the collection tailoring pages to complete the following actions:
• Configure the tasks that the users in a role can see. For instance, you could hide the View & Measure in 3D task for users in the Purchasing role.
• Set options for that role for the entire collection. This is only available for the Part tasks and Document tasks collections.
You can find tutorials for some tailoring actions on the
PTC Learning Connector.
To tailor a collection of tasks, follow these steps:
1. Select a collection to tailor:
Click the Edit Collection link on the landing page for the collection you want to tailor. A list of tailoring options related to the collection you selected opens.
2. Select a role to tailor:
Select the role that you would like to tailor in the Select role to tailor box. The Select role to tailor list includes all user roles which are defined in ThingWorx Composer to be used in ThingWorx Navigate.
3. Tailor the collection to the selected role:
You can tailor any collection to show or hide various tasks for users in each role. To do this, go to the
Tasks to show the users in this role option at the bottom of the page. Depending on the collection, either the name or icon for each task appears with



indicates that the task is shown to the user, and

indicates that it is hidden from the user. Click


to switch between showing or hiding the task. You can also place the pointer on an icon to see the name of the task which it represents.
| When tailoring the CHANGE MANAGEMENT TASKS COLLECTION, note that the Report a Problem toggle controls the visibility of the Report a Problem task both in the landing page and in the Part Tasks and Document Tasks collections. As a result, in order to enable users in a role to report a problem from Part and Document tasks, make sure that Report a Problem is visible for that role. |
The PART TASKS COLLECTION and DOCUMENT TASKS COLLECTION have additional tailoring options. The options marked with an asterisk (*) are available only for the part tasks collection.
Display Windchill navigation link?—Select Yes to add a View in Windchill link with the part or document details. This way, users can quickly jump to the Windchill page that corresponds to the item.
Max search results—The total number of results returned. If you search for parts and CAD documents, your max value still represents the total number of results.
Max recent searches—Limit the number of search results that appear on the RECENT tab.
Object type to find*—To see your results as quickly as possible, select only the relevant object types for the role which you are tailoring. Setting this option to Both when you don’t need both parts and CAD documents can slow down your searches.
Select up to 5 attributes to show in the search results—Set the attributes to appear for each item in the results.
◦ Type a letter in the available attribute list to jump to the attributes that start with that letter.
◦ Press SHIFT or CTRL to select more than one attribute.
◦ To move an attribute from one side to the other, click the arrow or double-click the attributes.
| The available attributes change according to the object type. To avoid selecting an attribute that does not apply, first set the Object type to find, and then select attributes. |
Show partial matches?—To allow partial matches, select Yes. Select No to show exact matches. For very large data sets, using wildcards can affect the search performance.
To use a wildcard, use an asterisk (*) to replace one or more characters at the beginning, middle, or end of the search string. Here are examples where wildcards replace part of the string GOLF_CART:
◦ Leading—(*cart)
◦ Trailing—(golf*)
◦ Middle—(go*rt)
You don’t have to use asterisk (*) to show partial matches.
Attributes to search—Select the attribute to search: Number, Name, or Number or Name.
Use a search filter?*
◦ Select No for unfiltered results.
Select from these types of filters:
▪ Saved Filter*—Use a product structure filter that is already saved in Windchill. Make sure that the name you type matches the name in Windchill exactly.
▪ Saved Search—Use the saved searches in Windchill.
| Only saved searches with a scope defined in Windchill are visible in ThingWorx Navigate. |
Items selected in the Name of saved search list are displayed in the search page of all tasks. You can select one or more items in this list. The item selected in the Default saved search list is pre-selected in the search page of all tasks. If only one item is selected in the Name of saved search list, that item is considered as the default saved search and applied when a search is performed in the task’s search page.
▪ Latest—Select lifecycle states and views to use as search filters in your tasks. View name is only available when Object type to find is set to Part or Part & CAD Document.
Show latest iteration of latest revision only?—Show the latest iteration of all revisions by switching to No.
Examples of search results for different scenarios with Latest filter:
Scenario | Results for Yes | Results for No |
A part with versions: • A.1, A.2, A.3 • B.1, B.2 • C.1 | C.1 | • A.3 • B.2 • C.1 |
A part with versions and one-off versions: • A.1, A.2, A-2.1 • B.1, B.2 • C.1, C-1.1, C-1.2 | • A-2.1 • C.1, C-1.2 | • A2, A-2.1 • B.2 • C.1, C-1.2 |
A part with versions and one-off versions: • A.1, A.2 • B.1 (shared to project and converted to PDM checkout), B-1.1, B-1.2. B-1.3 | B.1, B-1.3 | • A.2 • B.1, B-1.3 |
A part with versions and one-off versions: • A.1, A.2 • B.1 (shared to project and converted to PDM checkout), B-1.1, B-1.2 (sent to PDM), B.2 | B.2 | • A.2 • B.2 |
▪ Version—Include a Version field in the task search, so that users can further define their searches based on an object version. Note that users cannot search on version alone. They must also enter search text.
▪ Effectivity Date*—Include a calendar in the task search, so users can search on effectivity date. You can also include a view name list. This filter is only available when Object type to find is set to Part.
| • If a part does not have an effectivity date set, it does not show up in the results. • If the user doesn’t specify a view, the results include only parts that do not have a view specified. • Parts that match the effectivity date are returned in the results. The latest revision is returned if multiple revisions have the same effectivity date. |