wsems.exe (Windows) or wsems (Linux)
The EMS executable that is used to run the Edge MicroServer.
Linux - and
OpenSSL shared libraries for Linux.
Windows - libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll
OpenSSL Shared Library DLLs (dynamic linked libraries) for Windows.
Windows - luaScriptResource.exe
Linux - luaScriptResource
The Lua utility that is used to run Lua scripts, configure Remote Things, and integrate with the host system..
Directory that contains the document, ThingWorx Edge MicroServer (EMS) Developer’s Guide, which for this and all subsequent releases points you to this help center. All information, including release notes, is included in this help center.
Subdirectory that contains the luadoc for the Lua Script Resource.
Directory that contains configuration files and directories for the luaScriptResource utility.
A REFERENCE file that contains all of the configuration options available for the EMS plue comments to guide you through the options.
A valid JSON file that contains all the configuration options available for the EMS.
A reference file that contains the basic settings that are required to establish a connection.
A reference file that contains a basic configuration for the luaScriptResource utility. A config.lua file is required to run the Lua engine.
Directory from which third-party Lua libraries are deployed. Examples of these libraries include the Lua socket library and the Lua XML parser, .
Directory that will contain your custom scripts and templates.
Directory from which custom integration scripts are deployed. It also contains an example script, called sample.lua.
Directory that contains an example template, called config.lua.example, and that is used to deploy custom templates.
Directory that contains EMS-specific Lua files that are used by the Lua Script Resource (LSR). Do not modify this directory and its contents because an upgrade will overwrite any changes.
Directory that contains the install.bat file for Windows bundles or the following files for Linux bundles: install, tw_luaScriptResourced, and tw_microserverd. The install scripts will register the EMS and LSR as services on Windows and daemons on Linux. For information on running the scripts, refer to Running EMS as a
Daemon (Linux) or as a Windows Service or Running as a Service.