Importing from an Exported Spreadsheet
If you are using a previously exported spreadsheet for import, keep the following in mind:
• Spreadsheets that were exported from an earlier release are not supported for import. For example, a spreadsheet exported from an 8.5 system is not supported for import into an 9.0 system.
• If a piece of equipment and its value stream have been deleted from ThingWorx Apps after you exported the spreadsheet, any reference to that value stream in the spreadsheet must be removed before importing the spreadsheet.
• Exported properties of certain base types that are inherited from the Thing Template are supported for import, in addition to those properties already listed in the template spreadsheet. These properties can be updated in the spreadsheet, and will be updated in ThingWorx when imported. The property base types supported for import are: Boolean, DateTime, Integer, JSON, Number, and String.
Any other inherited properties are considered invalid for import, and are skipped by the import process. For more information on the property base types that exported, and those that are supported for import, see the Additional Info tab of the template spreadsheet.