Grants the specified user groups the specified permission (Read, Write, or None) to the specified entities. Context and equipment entities can both be specified for the same execution of the service. When adding entities to the entities infotable, provide the following information:
• Name—The name of the context or equipment Thing as it appears in ThingWorx Composer.
• Type—Enter the entity type, Context or Equipment.
Grants the specified users the specified permission (Read, Write, or None) to the specified entities. Context and equipment entities can both be specified for the same execution of the service. When adding entities to the entities infotable, provide the following information:
• Name—The name of the context or equipment Thing as it appears in ThingWorx Composer.
• Type—Enter the entity type, Context or Equipment.
Utility service used by the previously listed services. Not intended for standalone use.
Grants the specified user groups the specified permission (Read, Write, or None) on entities (equipment) in the specified context.
• If the entityName parameter is left empty, then the specified permission is granted to the specified user groups on all equipment in the specified context.
• If an entity is specified for the entityName parameter, then the specified permission is granted to the specified user groups on that entity in the specified context, and is propagated to all children of the specified entity in the equipment structure.
Grants the specified users the specified permission (Read, Write, or None) on entities (equipment) in the specified context.
• If the entityName parameter is left empty, then the specified permission is granted to the specified users on all equipment in the specified context.
• If an entity is specified for the entityName parameter, then the specified permission is granted to the specified users on that entity in the specified context, and is propagated to all children of the specified entity in the equipment structure.
Utility service used by the previously listed services. Not intended for standalone use.
Returns a list of contexts to which the specified user has permission, including the permission type (Read or Write).
Returns a list of contexts to which the specified user group has permission, including the permission type (Read or Write).
Returns a list of contexts for which the specified user has the specified permission (Read or Write), including the details for each context.
Returns a list of the entities (equipment) to which the specified user group has permission in the specified context, including the permission type (Read or Write) for each entity.
Returns a list of all entities (equipment) to which the specified user has permission in the specified context, including the permission type (Read or Write).
For the specified context, returns a list of all entities (equipment) in the context; for each entity, an infotable shows the permission that each user and user group has for the entity (Read, Write, or None).
GetContextPermission and GetEntityPermissionsOnContext
Utility services used by the previously listed services. Not intended for standalone use.