The HTML div element where the annotation information is shown. This is an element displayed outside of the widget. To place the div anywhere within the mashup, create an HTML element and place the div within that element. An example is the annotations shown when a user clicks a change event box in the KPI Trends chart.
When the checkbox is selected, any gaps in the data are connected on the chart.
When the checkbox is selected, each CSV cell is parsed as "low;middle;high". Error bars are drawn for each point between low and high, with the series itself going through the middle. This is mainly used as a way to show the range when an averaged value is shown on the chart. This allows display of fewer points, while still showing where a point was higher or lower than expected.
dateFormat, useDateFormat
Allows you to format the X-axis date. The following function from the Moment.js Javascript library is used: moment(date).format(XXX)
When the checkbox is selected, the full name of the tag or property displays in the chart legend, along with the value. For long tag or property names, this can result in data being truncated. When the checkbox is selected, a dash of the same color as the square for the tag or property name appears instead of the name. The colored squares for the tag or property names appear in the information panel to the right of the chart.
DrawAxisX, DrawAxisY, DrawAxisY2
When the checkbox is selected, the horizontal axis line with values is shown on the chart for that axis.
DrawGridX, DrawGridY, DrawGridY2
When the checkbox is selected, the vertical grid line is shown on the chart for that axis.
When the checkbox is selected, all points are permanently displayed on the chart, instead of only when hovering.
When the checkbox is selected, the synchronize feature from the Dygraphs charting library is called when the mashup is loaded, and all charts on the page are synchronized. This checkbox must be selected for all charts in the mashup for the feature to work properly. By default, this checkbox is cleared.
When the checkbox is selected, the area defined by line is filled with color. This property is not compatible with a custom bar.
When the checkbox is selected, the numbers for the Y-axis are hidden, but the axis lines still display.
Determines the position of the legend over the chart. The default value is On Mouse Over.
When the checkbox is selected, labels for decimal values display on the Y-axis.
When the checkbox is selected, the graph lines are stacked.
When the checkbox is selected, the chart line is stepped between points, rather than a straight line.
Select this checkbox to use annotationsJSON or annotationsDivName.
When the checkbox is selected, the Y-axis values display as percentages. Applies to the left-side Y-axis only.
The JSON that is parsed to add the annotation to the chart.
ChartTitle, XLabel, YLabel, Y2Label
Labels for the chart and each axis. If nothing is specified, then no label displays. Padding is automatically added to the chart for the label text.
If specified, provides the label used for the series. If left blank, the JSONData can provide the data label. If DataLabel<#> is specified, the second Y-axis features cannot be used with that series.
DateWindowEnd and DateWindowStart
The start and end time for the initial X-axis range when the chart displays.
When the checkbox is selected, vertical zoom for the chart is disabled.
When the checkbox is selected, the chart can synchronize its zoom with another chart.
Comma-separated list of hex color values, used for the series data displayed in the chart, with one value for each series in the chart. For example: #a2a2a2,#f2b927,#3ec556,#09aec6,#ed684a,#a2a2a2. This property is used by services to dynamically set the series colors. If no value is specified for HexColors, the SeriesStyle<#> property value is used.
When the checkbox is selected, the series is hidden from the chart legend.
Allows you to track whether the chart is currently zoomed in. This is useful on the mashup or service side for handling the different zoom use cases (zoom when already zoomed, update data when zoomed and keeping the zoom.)
The data used in the chart is a JSON, sent in string format. A string is used to send the information, rather than an infotable, because infotables are passed to the widget line by line, requiring further manipulation of the data for it to be fed to the chart. Using a string allows the data to be sent all at once to the Dygraph library to render the chart. The format for this JSON is CSV. You can use the GenerateDygraphData service, or a service that calls GenerateDygraphData, to convert an infotable to CSV. For more information, see:
An example of the data sent as a string to the GetJsonStringTrendHistory service:
"Asset_CheeseCake_CleaningAndDryingMachine","endDate":1501819199000, "startDate":1501732800000,"isZoomed":false,"zoomedMax":0,"zoomedMin":0} |
Comma-separated list of visibility settings for the series in the chart. The format for each list entry is <series index>:<boolean>, where the Boolean value specifies whether the series is visible. For example:
This property is used by services to dynamically set the visibility of the series. If no value is specified for SeriesVisibilities, then the SeriesVisibility<#> property value is used.
Determines whether the series data displays in the chart. This property maps to the visibility selection for the series in the information panel to the right of the chart.
useValueRange, valueRangeMin, and valueRangeMax
When useValueRange is selected, you can set a minimum (valueRangeMin) and maximum (valueRangeMax) value for the Y-axis to be rendered.
zoomMax and zoomMin
When a zoom is performed on the chart, these properties get a new value indicating the minimum and maximum taken from the X-axis, using the JSON data. If using a date-time data format, the time is usually returned in milliseconds.
The color used for the series data displayed in the chart, and as the colored square in the information panel to the right of the chart.
Determines whether the Y-axis display for the series appears on the left or the right side of the chart. When the checkbox is selected, the Y-axis appears on the right. When the checkbox is cleared, the Y-axis appears on the left. This property maps to the left or right Y-axis display selection for the series in the information panel to the right of the chart.
Event | Description |
DoubleClicked | This event is triggered with a double-click is performed. Double-clicking on a chart zooms out using the original zoomMin and zoomMax values provided with the data. |
SyncRequest | If the EnableZoomSynchronizing property is enabled, this event is triggered when a zoom-in or zoom-out is performed. Use this event to synchronize the zoom feature with another graph. This event must be bound to the sync service of the target graph to be synchronized. |
Zoomed | This event is triggered when a zoom is performed. Use this event with zoomMin and zoomMax to go deeper into the original data. |
Service | Description |
detach | When called, all charts in the current mashup are unsynchronized. |
dygraphSynchronize | When called, all charts in the current mashup are synchronized. No additional configuration is necessary. |
resetZoom | Manually reset the zoom back to the default state. |
sync | Receptor for the SyncRequest event to synchronize the graph’s zoom with the calling graph. |