Configuring the Thing Name Format For Your Equipment Type
When a new instance of an equipment type is created from ThingWorx Apps, a Thing is created in ThingWorx with the Thing Template specified for the equipment type in the EquipmentTypeSettings configuration table as its Base Thing Template. By default, the Thing name is determined by prefixing the EquipmentType value to the Name of the equipment as entered on the create window, as follows: <EquipmentType>_<Name>. For example, Asset_1-2_GantryRobot.
You can change the Thing name pattern by customizing the SetEquipmentEntityName service on the resource provider used by an equipment type.
• If you use the default resource provider (PTC.SCA.SCO.EquipmentResourceProvider) for your equipment type, and customize the SetEquipmentEntityName service on that resource provider, the Thing name pattern is changed for all equipment types using that resource provider.
• For the Site, Line, and Asset equipment types, you can change the Thing name pattern by customizing the SetEquipmentEntityName service on their respective resource providers.
• You can specify the Thing name pattern for equipment types on a case-by-case basis by creating specific resource providers for specific equipment types.