Breadcrumb Navigation
The breadcrumb navigation identifies where you are located within the Manufacturing Planning example implementation, and allows you to navigate back through the screens.
Screenshot highlighting the breadcrumb navigation.
Mashups and Widgets
The PTC.Factory.Demo.ManufacturingPlanningBreadcrumbMashup mashup defines the breadcrumb navigation. It uses a single Breadcrumb widget.
The input parameters for the PTC.Factory.Demo.ManufacturingPlanningBreadcrumbMashup mashup are:
mashupName—The name of the mashup for the page currently being viewed.
idValue—For the details pages, the identifier for the entity that is being viewed. For example, WORK DEFINITION - WorkDefinition31.
The mashup uses the following service from the PTC.Factory.Demo.ManufacturingPlanningBreadcrumbUtils:
GetBreadcrumbData—Retrieves the breadcrumb data for the currently viewed mashup.
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