Manufacturing Planning Main Page
The manufacturing planning page includes tabs which list the materials, work definitions, and job orders that are present in the Operator Advisor database.
Manufacturing Planning main page.
Mashups and Widgets
The PTC.Factory.Demo.ManufacturingPlanningMashup mashup defines the manufacturing planning page. This mashup in turn calls the following mashups for the individual selectable tabs:
PTC.Factory.Demo.MaterialManagementMashup—Mashup for the Materials tab.
PTC.Factory.Demo.WorkDefinitionManagementMashup—Mashup for the Work Definitions tab
PTC.Factory.Demo.JobOrderManagementMashup—Mashup for the Job Orders tab
The PTC.Factory.Demo.ManufacturingPlanningMashup mashup uses the following widgets:
A Button widget for the back button.
A Tabs widget which defines the three tabs, and calls the appropriate mashup for each tab.
The PTC.Factory.Demo.ManufacturingPlanningMaster mashup is specified as the Master property on the main mashup, and supplies the banner at the top of the page.
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