Control Characteristics Tab for Operations
The Control Characteristics tab displays the control characteristics defined for the operation that is selected in the Operations list. This information is read-only.
Control Characteristics tab for an operation (child work definition).
Mashups and Widgets
The PTC.Factory.Demo.WorkDefinitionOperations.ControlCharacteristicsMashup mashup defines the display of the Control Characteristics tab. This mashup uses the following widgets:
A Grid Advanced widget that displays the list of control characteristics associated with the operation selected in the Operations list. This list can be sorted.
A Data Filter widget which filters the list based on the selected values.
The input for the PTC.Factory.Demo.WorkDefinitionOperations.ControlCharacteristicsMashup mashup is the UID of the work definition associated with the operation (child work definition) selected in the Operations list.
The mashup uses the following service from the PTC.Factory.Demo.WorkDefinitionUtilsThingShape Thing Shape:
GetWorkDefinitionControlCharacteristics—Retrieves the list of control characteristics for the selected operation. Makes use of the PTC.Factory.Demo.WorkDefinitionControlCharacteristicView Data Shape, which defines the information to be displayed in the control characteristics table.
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