

The InService Search web service enables you to perform full text searches, information element searches, and to retrieve a list of suggested search terms. The Search web service’s interfaces use OData specifications to receive the input from the clients.

Supported API's

  • Perform a full Text search for a given criteria.
  • Provide auto suggestions for a given pattern.
  • Obtain a search URL for a given search criteria enabling the InService search web page to be embedded in a client's web page.

Data Model Objects

  • SCSearchList
  • SCSearchValueList
  • SCValueList

Customization Points

ClassMethodDescription all This is the standard implementation of the Search service( that uses E3C as a search engine. This can be extended or replaced completely to make use of a different search engine. all This is the interface service (used by to format the search input strings. Multiple formatters are provided for different types of inputs OOTB such as keyword (SearchKeyWordFormatter), MultiValueSearchInputFormatter e.t.c. The custom formatters can be implemented as needed and configured.
facets.xml all The configuration file to support the facets to be displayed. This includes the facets to be displayed, icons, whether a preview is enabled for certain types of facets. The facets.xml can be customized, overridden based on custom requirements.
searchConfig.xml all The configuration file to support search configurations such as searchTypes, searchQueryParmeters, Search sortorder types e.t.c. The configuration file can be customized, overridden based on custom requirements.

Parameter Definitions

Individual end points might require different information be passed in the following parameters. Refer to the endpoint documentation for more information on using the query parameters.

$filter This OData parameter specifies the search criteria. You can provide multiple parameters as search criteria using the $filter query parameter. For example: $filter=infotype eq 'partslist,information' and searchtype eq 'partnumber' and keyword eq 'piston' current
$orderby This OData parameter specifies how to sort the search results. You can specify multiple sort levels with a comma separated list of values. For example: $orderby=TTILE asc,ID desc. current
$top This OData parameter specifies the number of search results to be returned to the client. The default value for the $top parameter is configured using InService system property If $top value is not passed, the default value might be used to specify the number of results to display per page. current
$skip This OData parameter specifies the number of the result from which to start. If the $skip value is not passed, the default value of 0 is used. current
$select This OData parameter specifies the fields to include in the search results. The fields are provided as comma separated values. For example: $select=id,title,desc. current
$expand This OData parameter specifies expanded search information such as teaser and facets. You can provide multiple expand values as comma separated values. For example: $expand=teaser,facets. current
effectivity This InService parameter specifies effectivity filtering. The filtering criteria are included in this parameter. Currently, you can use contextId, SnStart and SnEnd values as part of the effectivity expression. For example: effectivity=ContextId eq '3C-Product:NPF0000000004:PHToc:NSM00006943' and SnStart ge '1' and SnEnd le '124287' current
facetfilter This InService parameter is used to post filter the search can provide multiple parameters as part of facetfilter expression. For example: facetfilter=infotype eq 'partslist,information' and excludedfacets eq 'infoType' current
querystring This InService parameter specifies the search criteria and filtering information to use for the search.The needed information is provided in a concatenated string. For example: querystring=q=oil&df=keywords_en&qf=keywords_en&hl.fl=teaser&sort=score desc&facet.field={!ex=tagForinfoType}infoType&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=nodePathText&f.nodePathText.facet.sort=index&f.nodePathText.facet.limit=-1&computeIcons=true 10.1

The following resources are applicable:

GET /search/text

Perform a full text search using the passed parameters.

Deprecated. Use InService 6.0 version instead.

Request Parameters

name type description default
$filter query OData expression that represents a query string. n/a
$orderby query Not currently used by the search. n/a
$select query A list of the fields that will be returned with the results. n/a
$skip query Used for paging, the number of the result to start from. n/a
$top query Used for paging, the number of the result to return to. n/a
querystring query A list of search parameters that are to be included in the query. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 returned if search results can not be generated for the context

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json SCSearchList (JSON)

GET /search/suggestions

Perform a search for suggested words and auto complete.

Deprecated. Use InService 6.0 version instead.

Request Parameters

name type description default
$filter query OData expression that represents a query string. n/a
$orderby query Not currently used by the search. n/a
$select query A list of the fields that will be returned with the results. n/a
$skip query Used for paging, the number of the result to start from. n/a
$top query Used for paging, the number of the result to return to. n/a
querystring query A list of search parameters that are to be included in the query. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned if suggestions can not be generated for the context.

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json SCSearchValueList (JSON)

GET /search/searchtypes

Use the Search web service’s searchtypes endpoint to return the valid search types to be displayed on the advanced search page. These values are used to populate the Search Type drop-down menu on the Advanced Search page. The search types are maintained in the searchConfig.xml

Response Codes

code condition
404 returned if no search types are found

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json array of object (JSON)

GET /search/queryconfig

Use the Search web service’s queryconfig endpoint to return a QueryConfig XML document.

Deprecated. Use /config/{configName}

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json object (JSON)

GET /search/sortingordertypes

Use the Search web service’s sortingordertypes endpoint to return the valid SortingOrder types to be displayed on the search results page. These values are used to populate the Sort by drop-down menu on the search results page.The search sort order types are maintained in the searchConfig.xml

Response Codes

code condition
404 returned if no sorting order types are found

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json array of object (JSON)

GET /search/text/find

Use the Search web service’s find endpoint to search for a keyword and return the keyword occurrences per page mappings found in the search results. If the keyword is not found in the search results, an empty list is returned.

Request Parameters

name type description default
$filter query OData expression that represents a query string. n/a
$orderby query Currently not used. n/a
$select query A list of the fields to be returned with the results. n/a
$skip query The number of the result from which to start. n/a
$top query The number of the result to return per page. n/a
attributesToSearch query A comma separated list of attributes to be matched against the keyword. n/a
keyWord query The keyword that needs to be matched against the attributes. n/a
pageSize query The number of search results per page. n/a
querystring query A list of search parameters to be included in the query. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned if the search service did not return any results and the keyword could not be searched for in the results.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ array of object (JSON)
Available Since
InService 6.0

GET /search/weburl

Use the Search web service’s WebUrl endpoint to produce a URL that generates the same search result page as that generated by Global Search or Advanced Search operations in the InService user interface. The generated URL can be used in a web browser, embedded as a page in another web page, or used as a link in a document or email. The parameters used by the web service to generate the URL follow the OData standardized syntax.

  • Web URL with keyword and 1 infotype: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/weburl?$filter=keyword eq 'VALVE' and infoType eq 'information'
  • Web URL with keyword and multiple infotypes: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/weburl?$filter=keyword eq 'VALVE' and infoType eq 'partsList,information'
  • Web URL with keyword and search type: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/weburl?$filter=keyword eq 'engine' and searchType eq 'Part Name'
  • Web URL with keyword and search context: http://HOST/Web Context/PTC/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/weburl?$filter=keyword eq 'pin' and searchcontext eq '3C-Product:NPF0000000004:PHToc:NSM00006943'
  • Web URL with keyword and order by: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/weburl?$filter=keyword eq 'rod' &$orderby=TITLE asc

The following parameters are used by the WebUrl endpoint:

Available Since
InService 6.0

Request Parameters

name type description default
$expand query Currently not used. n/a
$filter query A list of search parameters.

This parameter holds a list of search parameters used for searching InService data. Search parameters follow the Odata syntax. The following search parameters are currently supported:

keywordKeyword that holds the search text.
For example:
$filter=keyword eq 'VALVE' -- Search for the text VALVE
infoTypeOptional parameter indicating the search should be only for the information types listed.

The following information types are supported:

  • information
  • partsList
  • general
  • image
  • publication
  • orphanPart
For example:
$filter=keyword eq 'VALVE' and infoType eq 'information'
$filter=keyword eq 'VALVE' and infoType eq 'partsList,information'
searchTypeOptional parameter indicating the search should be only for the types specified.

The following search types are supported:

  • Part Name
  • Part Number
For example:
$filter=keyword eq 'engine' and searchType eq 'Part Name'
searchcontextOptional parameter indicating the search should be performed within a specific Product context. The Product context should be in the format of an SCId.
For example:
$filter=keyword eq 'pin' and searchcontext eq '3C-Product:NPF0000000004:PHToc:NSM00006943'
$orderby query Sort attribute for the search results. The value passed must be a configured sort attribute. Sort order can be 'asc' for ascending or 'desc' for descending.
For example: $orderby=TITLE asc.
default value:
Default sort order is 'asc', unless a different sort attribute is flagged as default in the search configuration.
$select query Currently not used. n/a
$skip query Number of result rows to skip before retrieving the number of rows specified for $top parameter.
default value: 0
$top query Number of result rows required after skipping the number specified in the $skip parameter.
default value:
Defined in the InService 'Search results per page count' preference.
effectivity query Custom parameter used by InService for effectivity filter criteria. Standard effectivity such as 'snStart', 'snEnd', 'dateStart', 'dateEnd', a custom effectivity name, or other valid options can be used. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if request was successfully executed.
400 Returned if the keyword was not specified in the <$filter> and the keyword could not be searched for in the results.
415 Returned if the Accept header passed is not application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json;version=2

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json SCValue (JSON)
Available Since
InService 6.0

GET /search/text

Use the Search web service’s text endpoint to perform a full text search using the passed parameters.

  • Simple Search: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/text?$filter=keyword eq 'SIDE' and searchcontext eq '3C-Product:NPF0000000004:NPF0000000004:NSM00006943&$select=id,infoType,title&$skip=0&$top=20&$orderby=score desc
  • Search with effectivity: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/text?$filter=keyword eq 'SIDE' and searchcontext eq '3C-Product:NPF0000000004:NPF0000000004:NSM00006943&$select=id,infoType,title&$skip=0&$top=20&$orderby=score desc&effectivity=ContextId eq '3C-Product:NPF0000000004:NPF0000000004:NSM00006943' and SnStart ge '1' and SnEnd le '15000'
  • Search with infotype: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/text?$filter=infotype eq 'partsList' and keyword eq 'SIDE' and searchcontext eq '3C-Product:NPF0000000004:NPF0000000004:NSM00006943&$select=id,infoType,title&$skip=0&$top=20&$orderby=score desc
  • Search with searchtype: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/text?$filter=infotype eq 'partsList' and searchtype eq 'partname' and keyword eq 'SIDE' and searchcontext eq '3C-Product:NPF0000000004:NPF0000000004:NSM00006943&$select=id,infoType,title&$skip=0&$top=20&$orderby=score desc

Available Since
InService 6.0

Request Parameters

name type description default
$expand query This OData parameter specifies expanded search information such as teaser and facets. You can provide multiple expand values as comma separated values.Currently the teaser and facets are returned by default. n/a
$filter query This OData parameter specifies the search criteria. You can provide multiple parameters as search criteria using the $filter query parameter. For example:$filter= infotype eq 'partsList' and searchcontext eq '3C-Product:NPF0000000004:PHToc:NSM00006943' and keyword eq 'PISTON'.
The following filter parameters are supported: Typically the searchQueryParameters defined in searchConfig.xml can be passed as filter parameters
  • infotype: The information types to be included in the search results.
  • searchcontext: The context where the search is performed such as a ProductHierarchyNode, ProductInstance and so forth.
  • searchtype: The search attribute for which to search partnumber or partname.
  • keyword: The keyword that needs to be searched for.
  • excludedinfotype: The information types to be excluded from the search results. Only one of the filter parameters infotype or excludedinfotype can be passed from the client at a time.
$orderby query This OData parameter specifies how to sort the search results. You can specify multiple sort levels with a comma separated list of values.For example: $orderdy=TITLE asc,ID desc. the order type parameters are configured in searchConfig.xml. n/a
$select query This OData parameter specifies the fields to include in the search results. The fields are provided as comma separated values.For example; $select=id,infotype, title. the select values are configured in searchQueryCOnfig.xml and searchConfig.xml
Supported $select values are id, infotype and title.
$skip query This OData parameter specifies the number of the result from which to start.(For example : $skip = 20) n/a
$top query This OData parameter specifies the number of search results to be returned to the client.(For example: $top = 10) n/a
effectivity query This InService parameter specifies effectivity filtering. The filtering criteria are included in this parameter. For example; effectivity=ContextId eq '3C-Product:NPF0000000004:PHToc:NSM00006943' and SnStart ge '1' and SnEnd le '124287'.
The following effectivity parameters are supported:
  • ContextId: The effectivity context to be used for filtering the search results.
  • SnStart: The starting serial number for filtering the search results.
  • SnEnd: The ending serial number for filtering the search results.
  • DateStart: the start date for filtering the search results.
  • DateEnd: the date end for filtering the search results.
  • primer/captive filters
  • bom filters
  • option/choices
facetfilter query This InService parameter specifies the information type or facet filtering on the current search results..
The following facefilter parameters are currently supported supported:
  • Any facet parameters such as infotype eq 'partsList, kit' e.t.c can be passed (see $filter parameter).
  • excludedfacets: This is typically the facet name for which the facets will be based on the original criteria defined by the $filter parameter

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if the request is successful.
400 Returned if the request provided is invalid.
404 Returned if search results can not be generated for the context
415 Returned if the Accept header passed is not application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json;version=2

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json SCSearchList (JSON)
Available Since
InService 6.0

GET /search/suggestions

Use the Search web service's suggestions endpoint to provide a list of search suggestions based on the provided parameters.

  • Suggestions for Information Elements: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/suggestions?$filter=keyword eq 'SIDE' and searchprefix eq 'SIDE' and searchprecedingtext eq '' and infotype eq 'IE'&$select=textsuggest&$skip=0&$top=0
  • Suggestions for Information Elements with searchprecedingtext: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/suggestions?$filter=keyword eq 'SIDE BAR' and searchprefix eq 'BAR' and searchprecedingtext eq 'SIDE' and infotype eq 'IE'&$select=textsuggest&$skip=0&$top=0
  • Suggestions for Product Information: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/suggestions?$filter=keyword eq 'PH' and infotype eq 'PH'&$select=scId,machineId,id&$skip=0&$top=0

Available Since
InService 6.0

Request Parameters

name type description default
$expand query This OData parameter specifies expanded search information such as teaser and facets.Currently this parameter is not used by suggestions endpoint. n/a
$filter query This OData parameter specifies the search criteria. You can provide multiple parameters as search criteria using the $filter query parameter. (for example:$filter=infotype eq 'PH' and keyword eq 'ROD' and searchprefix eq 'PISTON' and searchprecedingtest eq 'EN').
The following values are supported:
  • infotype: The information types to be included in the search results.
  • searchprefix: Provided as free form text.If searchprefix is provided then that value is used in the search instead of the keyword.
  • searchprecedingtext: Provided as free form text. The< searchprecedingtext value is appended to the search result and can be used only when the infotype is IE /li>
  • keyword: The keyword for which to search.
The following values are supported:
  • Supported infotype values are PH (for products and product instances) ,IE (for any text) and PART (for parts). Only one value can be passed for the infotype value
$orderby query This OData parameter specifies how to sort the search results.Currently this parameter is not used by suggestions endpoint. n/a
$select query This OData parameter specifies the fields to include in the search results. The fields are provided as comma separated values. For example: $select= id,title,desc.
The following select values are supported::
  • $select=textsuggest for infotype eq 'IE'
  • $select=scId, machineId, id for infotype eq 'PH'
  • $select:parttextsuggest for infotype eq 'PART'
$skip query This OData parameter specifies the number of the result from which to start.Currently this parameter is not used by the suggestions endpoint. n/a
$top query This OData parameter specifies the number of search results to be returned to the client.Currently this parameter is not used by the suggestions endpoint. n/a
effectivity query This InService parameter specifies effectivity filtering.Currently this parameter is not used by suggestions endpoint. n/a
facetfilter query This InService parameter specifies the information type or facet filtering. Currently, this parameter is not used by the suggestions endpoint. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if the request is successful.
400 Returned if the request provided is invalid.
404 Returned if search results can not be generated for the context
415 Returned if the Accept header passed is not application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json;version=2

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json SCSearchValueList (JSON)

GET /search/orientationpaths

Use the Search web service’s orientationpaths end point to display all the valid location paths for a given element. This is mainly used when navigating from search results and to support navigation for IE to IE links. Apart from the below parameters the effectivity and collectionId are also needed for successfully identify the locations for the element. effectivity The effectivity expression that needs to be used for filtering the data. collectionId The collection where this item is located

Request Parameters

name type description default
$filter query OData expression that represents a query string. The typical parameters include searchcontext,radarpath,preferredIS e.t.c
The following filter parameters are supported:
  • searchcontext: The context where the search is performed such as a ProductHierarchyNode, ProductInstance and so forth. This is typically the SCId representation of PH/PI nodes
  • radarpath: This is used for post filtering of the orientation paths to further drill down to a particular PH/IS/PS node. This is the SCId representation of the nodes.
  • preferredIS: This is used to return the orientation paths for a given IS/PS node. This is the SCId representation of the nodes.
$orderby query Currently the parameter is not supported. The current ordering is automatically based on the navigation path such as (PHF> PHM >ISRoot> ISNode e.t.c) n/a
$skip query The number of the result from which to start. n/a
$top query The number of the result to return per page. n/a
elementId query The element for which the orientation paths need to be retrieved. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned if the search service did not return any results
415 Returned if the Accept header passed is not application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json;version=2

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json SCSearchList (JSON)

GET /search/orientationpaths/find

Use the Search web service’s orientationpaths/find endpoint to search for a location

Deprecated. UI find is used OOTB instead of endpoint/p>

Request Parameters

name type description default
$expand query n/a
$skip query n/a
$top query n/a
attributesToSearch query n/a
effectivity query n/a
elementId query n/a
keyWord query n/a
pageSize query n/a

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json array of object (JSON)

GET /search/whatsnew

Gets a count of new and updated InService items loaded into the repository. Items can be searched for load date ranges or a particular load date. See the /search/text endpoint documentation on the parameters used and configuration details.

Supported API: true

Extendable: true

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json SCValue (JSON)

GET /search/isCoreServerRunning

Gets status of coreServer whether its running or not.

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json SCValue (JSON)
Available Since
InService 6.3

GET /search/url

Use InService getSearchResultsURL endpoint to produce an URL that generates the same search result page as that generated by advanced Search operations in the InService user interface. The generated URL can be used by connector to navigate to the InService web browser. The parameters used by the web service to generate the URL follow the Data standardized syntax.

Produces a URL viewer to InService Advance Search Page.

  • Web URL with searchText and 1 infoType: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/ins/searchurl?searchText=text&infoType=Information
  • Web URL with searchText and multiple infoType's: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/ins/searchurl?searchText=text&infoType=kit,Media,partsList,Information
  • Web URL with searchText,searchType and sn: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/ins/searchurl?searchText=text&searchType=PART_NAME_DOC_TITLE_FULL_TEXT&sn=SEDAN_SH_DE_SN001
  • Web URL with searchText and sn: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/ins/searchurl?searchText=text&sn=SEDAN_SH_DE_SN001
It returns the correct InService viewer URL for search including the product context (if set - otherwise "All Products"), the search text and additional search criterias and search types. The client URL is sent as part of the metadata of SCSearchList.

The following parameters are used by the getSearchResultsURL endpoint:

Available Since
InService 6.3

Request Parameters

name type description default
infoType query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the information types listed. Please refer to PTC ervigistics InService™ Publishing and Loading Guide for information how to find all available info types. For example:searchText=pdf&infoType='kit,Media,partsList,Information' n/a
kitType query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the kit types listed. Supported only when partSearch is set to true and sn and product Name are not specify. Please refer to PTC ervigistics InService™ Publishing and Loading Guide for information how to find all available kit types. For example:searchText=pdf&kitType='Hardware' n/a
partInfoType query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the partInfo types listed. Supported only when partSearch is set to true and sn and product Name are not specify. Please refer to PTC ervigistics InService™ Publishing and Loading Guide for information how to find all available part info types. For example:
partSearch query The parameter that allow to search for content or search part. It is false by default, can be set to true to run the search for part\kit. n/a
partType query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the part types listed. Please refer to PTC ervigistics InService™ Publishing and Loading Guide for information how to find all available part types. For example:searchText=pdf&partType='Hardware' n/a
productName query Exact Match of the name of a product hierarchy node. n/a
pubtype query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the publication types listed. Please refer to PTC ervigistics InService™ Publishing and Loading Guide for information how to find all available pub types. For example:searchText=pdf&pubtype='Dynamic Document,General' n/a
searchText query The string that will be submitted for full text search, in URL keyword=searchText. SearchText that holds the keyword.

List of search parameters used for searching InService data. Search parameters follow the Odata syntax. The following search parameters are currently supported:

searchType query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the types listed.
searchTypeOptional parameter indicating the search should be only for the types specified.

The following search types are supported when partSearch=true:

  • any

The following search types are supported when partSearch=false or default

  • any
skip query Number of result rows to skip before retrieving the number of rows specified in $top parameter.
default value: 0
sn query The Serial Number to identify the asset. n/a
top query The number of the result to return per page. ps= top default value: Defined in the InService 'Search results per page count' preference. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if the request is successful.
400 Returned if the request provided is invalid.
406 Returned if the Accept header passed is not application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json;version=2

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json SCSearchList (JSON)
Available Since
InService 6.0

GET /search/results

Use InService Search getSearchResults endpoint to produce a search results of the IE elements and generates the URL to search result page. The generated URL can be used in by connector to navigate to the InService web browser. The parameters used by the web service to generate the search results and URL follow the Data standardized syntax.

Produces a actual search results and URL viewer to InService Advance Search Page.

  • InfoElement and Web URL with searchText and 1 infoType: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/ins/searchresults?searchText=text&infoType=kit
  • InfoElement and Web URL with searchText and multiple infotypes: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/ins/searchresults?searchText=text&infoType=kit,Media,partsList,Information
  • InfoElement and Web URL with searchText and 1 pubtype: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/ins/searchresults?searchText=text&pubtype=Dynamic+Document,General
  • InfoElement and Web URL with searchText and searchType: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/ins/searchresults?searchText=text&searchType=PART_NAME_DOC_TITLE_FULL_TEXT
  • InfoElement and Web URL with searchText and sn: http://HOST/Web Context/servlet/servicecenter/rest/ins/searchresults?searchText=text&sn=SEDAN_SH_DE_SN001
It produces a search results and correct InService viewer URL for search including the product context (if set - otherwise "All Products"), the search text and additional search criterias and types. The client URL is sent as part of the metadata of SCSearchList.

The following parameters are used by the getSearchResults endpoint:

Available Since
InService 6.0

Request Parameters

name type description default
infoType query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the information types listed. Please refer to PTC ervigistics InService™ Publishing and Loading Guide for information how to find all available info types. For example:searchText=pdf&infoType='Information,kit' n/a
kitType query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the kit types listed. Supported only when partSearch is set to true and sn and product Name are not specify. Please refer to PTC ervigistics InService™ Publishing and Loading Guide for information how to find all available kit types. For example:searchText=pdf&kitType='Hardware' n/a
partInfoType query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the partInfo types listed. Supported only when partSearch is set to true and sn and product Name are not specify. Please refer to PTC ervigistics InService™ Publishing and Loading Guide for information how to find all available part info types. For example:
partSearch query The parameter that allow to search for content or search part. It is false by default, can be set to true to run the search for part\kit. n/a
partType query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the part types listed. Please refer to PTC ervigistics InService™ Publishing and Loading Guide for information how to find all available part types. For example:searchText=pdf&partType='Hardware' n/a
productName query Exact Match of the name of a product hierarchy node. n/a
pubtype query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the publication types listed. Please refer to PTC ervigistics InService™ Publishing and Loading Guide for information how to find all available pub types. For example:searchText=pdf&pubtype='Document' n/a
searchText query The string that will be submitted for full text search, in URL keyword=searchText. SearchText that holds the keyword.

InfoTpe and pubtype parameters used for searching for IEs in InService data. Search parameters follow the Odata syntax. The following search parameters are currently supported:

searchType query Optional parameter indicating the search will include only the types specified.
searchTypeOptional parameter indicating the search should be only for the types specified.

The following search types are supported when partSearch=true:

  • any

The following search types are supported when partSearch=false or default

  • any
skip query Number of result rows to skip before retrieving the number of rows specified for $top parameter.
default value: 0
sn query The Serial Number to identify the asset. n/a
top query The number of the result to return per page. ps= top
default value:
Defined in the InService 'Search results per page count' preference.

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if the request is successful.
400 Returned if the request provided is invalid.
406 Returned if the Accept header passed is not application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json;version=2

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.scsearch+json SCSearchList (JSON)