
The Layout resource provides read-only access to OOTB or custom dynamic layout files.

Action Links

action_self The link to retrieve the layout/layout name.

The following resources are applicable:

GET /layouts/{layoutName}

Retrieves the dynamic layout based on its name.

Request Parameters

name type description default
Accept header n/a
Accept-Charset header The character set name passed via Accept-Charset header. Only UTF-8 is allowed. n/a
layoutName path The name of the layout which needs to be returned to the UI. n/a

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)
application/vnd.ptc.sclayout+xml anyType (XML)

GET /layouts/{layoutName}/types/{wcTypeId}

Retrieves the dynamic layout based on its name and a type name.

Request Parameters

name type description default
Accept-Charset header The character set name passed via Accept-Charset header. Only UTF-8 is allowed. n/a
layoutName path The name of the layout which needs to be returned to the UI. n/a
wcTypeId path the external name of a type for the layout. n/a

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)
application/vnd.ptc.sclayout+xml anyType (XML)