
The InformationElementResource provides read access to information elements in InService. Information element is the term given to any piece of instructional or information item, for example a list of textual or graphical instructions, a schematic diagram or image, a list of parts. InformationElementResource provides some common API feature for all information element types – specific resources are also provided e.g. the /partslist resource provides access to the SCPartlists object.

Named Objects & Collections

* See MediaResource for SCImageFile and SCTextFile.
* See PublicationsResource for SCPSRoot.
* See PartsListsResource for SCPartsList.

Data Model Objects

  • SCImageFile
  • SCTextFile
  • SCPartsList
  • SCPSRoot

The following resources are applicable:

GET /elements/{elementId}

Gets a specific information element by ID.

Request Parameters

name type description default
elementId path the ID of the information element to retrieve. n/a
addCollections query n/a
highlight query n/a
productName query n/a
sn query n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when the elementId is not of valid ID format.
404 Returned when the information element does not exist.

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCItem (JSON)

GET /elements/{parentId}/siblings

Retrieves siblings information elements for a given information element.

Request Parameters

name type description default
parentId path The ID of the parent of information element to find siblings for. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query The OData order by n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a
displayName query The display name of current information element. n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when the elementId or topicId is not of valid ID format.
404 Returned when the information element does not exist.

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCList (JSON)

GET /elements/{elementId}/siblings/{topicId}

Retrieves siblings information elements for a given information element within the context of a given topic.

Request Parameters

name type description default
elementId path The ID of the information element to find siblings for. n/a
topicId path The ID of the topic to limit the search for siblings to those who share this topic context. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query The OData order by n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when either the elementId or topicId is not of valid ID format.
404 Returned when either the information element or topic do not exist.

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCList (JSON)

GET /elements/{elementId}/topics

Retrieve topics referencing the given element.

Request Parameters

name type description default
elementId path The ID of the information element to find topics for. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when either the elementId is not a valid ID format, or if other query parameters are invalid.
404 Returned when an element is not found for the given element ID.

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCList (JSON)

GET /elements/{elementId}/publications

Retrieves publications referencing the given element.

Request Parameters

name type description default
elementId path The ID of the information element to find publications for. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when either the elementId is not a valid ID format, or if other query parameters are invalid.
404 Returned when an element is not found for the given element ID.

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCList (JSON)

GET /elements/{elementId}/parentspaths

Retrieves given element's parents paths

Request Parameters

name type description default
elementId path The ID of the information element to find its parents paths n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when either the elementId is not a valid ID format, or if other query parameters are invalid.

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCListCollection (JSON)

GET /elements/{elementId}/thumbnail

Retrieves the thumbnail for the topic.

Request Parameters

name type description default
Accept header The type of files that are acceptable. n/a
elementId path The ID of the element whose thumbnail we're looking for. n/a

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json object (JSON)