

The InService applicabilities web service enables you to retrieve applicability/effectivity information for the InService documents such as partslist, XML documents and Media elements. The typical applicabilitiy information includes the Service effectivities, Options effectivities and group effectivities.

Supported API's

  • Retrieve the applicabilities defined for the InService documents in user readable format.
  • Retrieve the group effectivity details for a given group effectivity identifier.

Data Model Objects

  • SCList

Customization Points

ClassMethodDescription all This is the standard implementation of the Applicability Service that uses E3C as the data store to return the defined applicabilities for the InService documents. This can be extended or replaced completely to use a different data store or to handle custom use cases. all This is the standard Or SIM/SP renderer implementation of the Applicability renderer ( that formats the raw applicability definition stored in the repository and translates into the human readable format. The renderer formats the document level applicabilities as well as the in-line applicabilities defined on the documents. This can be extended to customize the display of applicability all This is the Generic renderer implementation of the Applicability renderer ( that formats the raw applicability definition stored in the repository and translates into a boolean expression. The renderer formats the document level applicabilities as well as the in-line applicabilities defined on the documents. This can be extended to customize the display of applicability

Parameter Definitions

Individual end points might require different information be passed in the following parameters. Refer to the end point documentation for more information on using the query parameters.

$filter This OData parameter specifies the filter criteria. You can provide multiple parameters as criteria using the $filter query parameter. For example: $filter=ContextId eq 'contextId' and documentId eq 'documentId' current
$orderby This OData parameter specifies how to sort the applicability. For example: $orderby=Name desc current
$top This OData parameter specifies the number of the results to be returned to the client. The default value for the $top parameter is configured using the InService system property If the $top value is not passed, the default value might be used to support pagination. current
$skip This OData parameter specifies the number of the result from which to start. If the $skip value is not passed, the default value of 0 is used. current
$expand This OData parameter specifies to include any extra information as part of the applicability information such as product instance information.. For example: $expand = productinstance current
collectionId This collectionId where the document is located is needed in case where a context is not provided using filter parameter. current

The following resources are applicable:

GET /applicabilities

Retrieves a list of defined applicabilities for a given document identifier such as a parts list id.

Request Parameters

name type description default
$expand query OData parameter specifying any expanded applicability information needs to be rendered, such as whether to include the product instance information for serial number effectivity.
Supported expand parameters are:
  • productinstance:Includes the product instance information for the applicability. By default the product information is not returned as part of the rendered applicability ,which is controlled by system property which takes a value of true/false. The client can in certain cases request the product instance information by using expand parameter
$filter query OData expression that represents a filter criteria to be used to retrieve the applicabilities. The currently used parameters are ContextId and documentId (for example:$filter=ContextId eq 'SCId representation of Context' and documentId eq 'SCId representation of document').
Supported filter parameters are:
  • ContextId: The SCId representation of product context information, such as the Sales Model. If this is not passed then first 100 or a configured value by system property in file number of applicabilities are rendered. If a context which is not a Sales Model is passed then appropriate message will be returned.
  • documentId: The SCId representation of the document is included.
$orderby query OData parameter specifying the sorting of the options. (for example: $orderby=Name asc). Currently, this parameter is not used by the options end point. By default the applicabilties is sorted based on the context orientation path, serial number and option name. n/a
$skip query The number of the result from which to start. (for example : $skip = 20). Currently, this parameter is not used by the applicabilities end point. n/a
$top query The number of the result to return. (for example: $top = 10). Currently, this parameter is not used by the applicabilities end point. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when documentId or ContextId provided is invalid.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /applicabilities/validate

Retrieves a list of defined applicabilities and whether they are effective for the current navState for a given document identifier such as a parts list id.

Request Parameters

name type description default
$filter query OData expression that represents a filter criteria to be used to retrieve the applicabilities. The currently used parameters are ContextId and documentId (for example:$filter=ContextId eq 'SCId representation of Context' and documentId eq 'SCId representation of document').
Supported filter parameters are:
  • ContextId: The SCId representation of product context information, such as the Sales Model. If this is not passed then first 100 or a configured value by system property in file number of applicabilities are rendered. If a context which is not a Sales Model is passed then appropriate message will be returned.
  • documentId: The SCId representation of the document is included.
$skip query The number of the result from which to start. (for example : $skip = 20). Currently, this parameter is not used by the applicabilities end point. n/a
$top query The number of the result to return. (for example: $top = 10). Currently, this parameter is not used by the applicabilities end point. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when documentId or ContextId provided is invalid.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /applicabilities/{groupEffId}/groupEffDetails

Retrieves the contents of a group effectivity based on its identifier.The effectivities are translated based on the renderer configured.

Request Parameters

name type description default
groupEffId path Holds identifier for a given effectivity group n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when groupEffId is not provided or invalid

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /applicabilities/groupEffDetails

Translates the applicability information defined for a group. The applicability is translated and formatted based on the renderer configured.

Request Parameters

name type description default
$filter query OData expression that represents a filter criteria to be used to retrieve the applicabilities.Currently this parameter is not used n/a
$skip query The number of the result from which to start. (for example : $skip = 20). Currently this parameter is not used by the group effectivity details end point. n/a
$top query The number of the result to return. (for example: $top = 10). Currently this parameter is not used by the group effectivity details end point. n/a
collectionId query Holds the collection id information for the document. n/a
geString query Holds the raw effectivity string for a group. n/a

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)