
The Topic resource provides access to the topic structure nodes within InService.

Named Objects & Collections

children The child topic nodes.
elements The information elements connected to the topic.
parents The parent topic nodes.
parentPath The parent topic nodes from the current node to the root.

Data Model Objects

  • SCISRoot
  • SCISNode

The following resources are applicable:

GET /topics/{topicId}

Retrieves a topic by topic id, with the ability to include topic children and information elements using the $expand parameter.

Request Parameters

name type description default
topicId path The ID of the topic to retrieve. n/a
$expand query The OData expand clause used to expand related objects and collections.

To expand the children collection when requesting the product node use: $expand=children

To expand the elements collection when requesting the product node use: $expand=elements

$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query The OData order by. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a topic is not found for the given topicId.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)

GET /topics/{topicid}/elements

Retrieves the information elements for the given topic id.

Request Parameters

name type description default
topicid path The ID of the topic whose elements to retrieve. n/a
$expand query The OData expand clause used to expand related objects and collections. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query The OData order by. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a information structure node is not found for the given topicId.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /topics/{topicId}/elements/counts

Retrieves the information element counts for the given topic id.

Request Parameters

name type description default
topicId path The ID of the topic whose elements will be grouped and counted. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a information structure node is not found for the given topicId.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ array of object (JSON)

GET /topics/{topicId}/children

Retrieves the topic children for the given topic ID.

Request Parameters

name type description default
topicId path The ID of the topic whose children to retrieve. n/a
$expand query The OData expand clause used to expand related objects and collections. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query The OData order by. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a topic is not found for the given topicId.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /topics/{topicId}/childitems

Retrieves the topic children/elements for the given topic ID

Request Parameters

name type description default
topicId path The ID of the topic whose children to retrieve. n/a
$expand query The OData expand clause used to expand related objects and collections. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query The OData order by. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when the topic ID is not valid.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /topics/{topicId}/parents

Retrieves the parent topics for the given topic ID.

Request Parameters

name type description default
topicId path The topic ID whose parents to retrieve. n/a
$expand query The OData expand clause used to expand related objects and collections. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query The OData order by. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when the topic ID is not valid.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /topics/{topicId}/parentpath

Retrieves the parent path of the requested topic. The path is represented by a list starting from the top most (root) node with each node there after the child of the preceeding node. The lists ends with the node requested. The first element is the highest element in the structure that could be found which is either a root or has two parents (preventing further traversal of the structure).

Request Parameters

name type description default
topicId path The ID of the topic whose path to retrieve. n/a
$expand query The OData expand clause used to expand related objects and collections. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query The OData order by. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when the topic ID is not valid.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /topics/{topicId}/thumbnail

Retrieves the thumbnail for the topic.

Request Parameters

name type description default
Accept header The type of files that are acceptable. n/a
topicId path The ID of the topic whose thumbnail we're looking for. n/a
dealerId query n/a

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

GET /topics/{topicId}/callouts

Retrieves given topicId's children's(ISNodes/IEs) callouts to row number mappings. For graphical Navigation, an ISNode/IE can have customizable attribute otherwise named "ISIECallout" by default which has a mapping to graphical callouts. The list will contain mapping between the ISNode/IE callout and the row number at which they appear.

Request Parameters

name type description default
topicId path The ID of the topic whose children's callout we're looking for. n/a
effectivity query filter information for InService. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when the topic ID is not valid.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)