
The Parts List resource provides read-only access to the Parts Lists and its related data in InService.

Named Objects & Collections

partsList The Partslist associated part information and its effectivity.
parts The PartsListItems along with the part information for this Partslist.
media The Illustrations associated to a PartsList.

Action Links

action_get_self The link to retrieve the Parts List, associated Part and its effectivity information.

Data Model Objects

  • SCPartsList
  • SCPartsListItem
  • SCPart
  • SCIllustration

The following resources are applicable:

GET /partslists/{partsListId}

Retrieves Parts List info along with parts contained therein.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the ID of the Parts List to retrieve. n/a
$expand query Contains which information should be expanded e.g. associatedPart, associatedPartsList, alternatePart n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a partslist is not found for the given partslist ID.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/describingPart

Retrieves PartsList's Describing Part details only.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the ID of the Parts List to retrieve. n/a
$expand query Contains which information should be expanded e.g. associatedPart, associatedPartsList, alternatePart n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a partslist is not found for the given partslist ID.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/parts

Retrieves only parts contained in the Parts List.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the ID of the Parts List that contains the parts to retrieve. n/a
$expand query Contains which information should be expanded e.g. associatedPart, associatedPartsList, alternatePart n/a
$skip query number of items to skip to the start of this page n/a
$top query number of objects to return in this page n/a
effectivity query filter information for InService n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a partslist is not found for the given partslist ID.
400 Returned when the request received is not in correct format.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/find

This method is used by search in partList.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the ID of the Parts List that contains the parts to retrieve. n/a
$expand query Contains which information should be expanded e.g. associatedPart, associatedPartsList, alternatePart n/a
$skip query number of items to skip to the start of this page n/a
$top query number of objects to find n/a
attributesToSearch query name of attributes which should be searched i.e. partName, partNumber n/a
effectivity query The OData filter including the effectivity filter to apply. n/a
keyWord query searched substring n/a
pageSize query pageSize on the client n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a partslist is not found for the given partslist ID.
400 Returned when the request received is not in correct format.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ array of object (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/callouts

Get a list of item number to page number mappings. The item number to page mappings change whenever the user updates the page size value in the parts list item page.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the ID of the Parts List that contains the parts to retrieve. n/a
$skip query number of items to skip to the start of this page n/a
$top query number of objects to return in this page n/a
effectivity query filter information for InService n/a
perpage query number of parts per parts list page n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a partslist is not found for the given partslist ID.
400 Returned when the request received is not in correct format.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ array of object (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/illustrations

Retrieves the graphic representing the Parts List for a given ID.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the ID of the Parts List for which the graphic to retreive. n/a
$filter query allows filtering of the type of graphic n/a
$skip query number of items to skip to the start of this page n/a
$top query number of objects to return in this page n/a
effectivity query filter information for InService n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a partslist is not found for the given partslist ID.
400 Returned when the request received is not in correct format.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/recommendations

Retrieves recommended parts based on the content of the parts list.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the Id for the parts list for which to find recommended parts. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query the OData order by n/a
$skip query number of items to skip to the start of this page n/a
$top query number of objects to return in this page n/a
effectivity query filter information for InService n/a

Response Codes

code condition
400 Returned when the partslistId is not of valid ID format.
404 Returned when a parts list is not found for the given partsListId
501 Returned when there is no recommendation delegate in the system.
503 Returned when an external recommendation delegate is offline.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/parts/{partId}

Get the quantity of the part item in partList corresponding to the part id.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partId path the ID of the Part to find the corresponding partItem. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a part item is not found for the given part item ID.
400 Returned when the request received is not in correct format.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCValue (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/preview

Retrieves Parts List info which will be used for search preview.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the ID of the Parts List to retrieve. n/a
$expand query Holds the information which should be expanded e.g. associatedPart, associatedPartsList, alternatePart and included in the response. n/a
$skip query number of items to skip to the start of this page n/a
$top query number of objects to return in this page n/a
effectivity query filter information for InService n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a partslist is not found for the given partslist ID.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)

POST /partslists/versionInfo/batch

Retrieves the version information for the list of parts list numbers.

Request Body

media type data type
application/json array of object (JSON)
application/xml list of anyType (XML)

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when PartsLists is not found.
400 Returned when the number of pl numbers exceed the limit.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ array of object (JSON)

GET /partslists/item/{partsListItemId}

Retrieves PartListItem for a given partlistitem identifier.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListItemId path Holds reference to a partlistItem n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a PartListItem is not found in the system for the given parameters.
400 Returned when the Id representation of PartListItem is not in valid format.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/item/{partsListItemId}

Retrieves PartListItem for a given partlistitem and partslist identifier

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path Holds reference to a SCE parts list n/a
partsListItemId path Holds reference to a partlistitem n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a PartListItem is not found in the system for the given parameters.
400 Returned when the Id representation of PartListItem is not in valid format.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/item/{partsListItemId}/relatedPartslists

This method retrieves Related PartsLists for a PartListItem identifier.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListItemId path Holds reference to a SCE part n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a PartListItem is not found in the system for the given parameters.
400 Returned when the Id representation of PartListItem is not in valid format.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/effectivity

Retrieves Parts List Effectivity info

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the ID of the Parts List to retrieve. n/a
$expand query Contains which information should be expanded e.g. associatedPart, associatedPartsList, alternatePart n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a partslist is not found for the given partslist ID.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /partslists/{partsListId}/illustrations/filterInstances

Streams the effective & applicable instances of pvz present in the pvssbom.xml.

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the ID of the Parts List. n/a
filter query file identifier for which filtered instances are to be returned. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
304 When Media object has not changed.
404 When partslist object is not found.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)