
LocalAgentResource is com.ptc.sc.rest.SCResource designed to provide disconnected-related information to the client applications. Note: that this resource is available only when communicating over local communication (i.e. points to "localhost").

Any attempt to access this one outside of the localhost will result in 403 - blocked.

Supported API: false

Extendable: false

The following resources are applicable:

GET /local_agent/state

Returns a comprehensive disconnected state map. Returned value contains a lot of information required in the client side in order to properly update UI state as well as to react upon certain events like errors etc. For more information go to {@link com.ptc.sc.servicecommon.LocalAgentStateService#getState()} to see full list of returned values Error description:

  1. @HTTP 403 - if Host of the request was not localhost

Request Parameters

name type description default
getCartStatusOnly query n/a

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCItem (JSON)

POST /local_agent/downloads

Starts {@code download} operation. Download operation refers to the downloading of all available segments as defined by underlying business services (check see section of this documentation). Method builds a successful response containing an information about all segments that were actually placed in the download queue. Therefore client is immediately informed whether or not this download process was started or not. Note that this method returns immediately in order to keep client unblocked, therefore allows to continue the work by user. In order to verify the progress of the download process refer to the properties returned via {@link #state(javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest )} Error description:

  1. 500 - any uncaught exception may result in 500
  2. 403 - if Host of the request was not localhost

Request Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCList (JSON)

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json object (JSON)

POST /local_agent/downloads/pause

Pauses {@code download} process by calling {@link com.ptc.sc.servicecommon.LocalAgentStateService#pauseDownloading()}. This method returns immediately to left client unblocked. Error description:

  1. 500 - any uncaught exception may result in 500
  2. 403 - if Host of the request was not localhost

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCItem (JSON)

POST /local_agent/installations

Initiates {@code install} process for all {@code segments} (download prior to installation) that are candidates to be installed (as defined in {@link com.ptc.sc.servicecommon.InstallService}). Method builds a successful response containing an information about all segments that were actually placed in the install queue after they were downloaded. Therefore client is immediately informed whether or not this install process was started or not. Note that this method returns immediately in order to keep client unblocked. In order to verify the progress check {@link #state(javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)}. Error description:

  1. 500 - any uncaught exception may result in 500
  2. 403 - if Host of the request was not localhost

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCItem (JSON)

POST /local_agent/install/stop

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCItem (JSON)

POST /local_agent/install/skip

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCItem (JSON)

POST /local_agent/preference

Request Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCItem (JSON)

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json SCItem (JSON)

GET /local_agent/directories

Verifies if path passed as {@link javax.ws.rs.QueryParam} and interpreted as absolute directory path exits on the local/technician/user operating system. This method skips the gap between browser and operating system, hence impossibility to access file system from JS. Therefore it is potentially vulnerable and poses security threat. Dangerous end point, revise and decide how to make it even better secured

Request Parameters

name type description default
path query n/a

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json string (JSON)

GET /local_agent/connection

That end point is using only to check connection between example disconnected system and web Ping is not enough because it is available when jboss is running but resources do not up yet.

Response Body

media type data type
application/vnd.ptc.sc+json object (JSON)