
Kits Resource to retrieve Kits data for particular part ID.

Customization Points

ClassDescription You can implement a custom RecommendationDelegate to modify the default behavior which currently returns recommendations for Kit partlist , part and partslistItem.

Named Objects & Collections

partsList The Kit Parts list and its part's information

Action Links

action_get_self The link to retrieve the Kit Parts List, its parts and effectivity information.

Data Model Objects

  • SCPartsList

The following resources are applicable:

GET /kits/{partsListId}

Retrieves Kits PartsList information along with its parts

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the ID of the Kit partsList to retrieve. n/a
$expand query contains the information that should be expanded e.g. associatedPart, associatedPartsList, alternatePart n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a kitlist is not found for the given kit ID.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)

GET /kits/{partsListId}/contents

Retrieves only Kit Parts for a given Kit partslist identifier

Request Parameters

name type description default
partsListId path the ID of the kit partslist n/a
$expand query contains the information that should be expanded e.g. associatedPart, associatedPartsList, alternatePart n/a
$skip query number of items to skip to the start of this page n/a
$top query number of objects to return in this page n/a
effectivity query filter information for InService n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 Returned when a partslist is not found for the given partslist ID.
400 Returned when the request received is not in correct format.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)