
The dealership resource provides access to retrieve dealerships in InService.

The following resources are applicable:

DELETE /dealership/{dealerId}

Deletes a specific dealer. This service takes an Id input parameter from the Dealership UI as attribute.

Request Parameters

name type description default
dealerId path The String containing the dealer's id. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if profile was successfully deleted.
500 Returned if profile was NOT successfully deleted.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

GET /dealership/{dealerId}

Get specific dealer details.

Request Parameters

name type description default
dealerId path String containing the dealer's id n/a

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if system is successfully retrieved..
500 Returned if system is NOT successfully retrieved.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

GET /dealership/license/licenseExpiry

get WEB License Expiry

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if system is successfully retrieved..
500 Returned if system is NOT successfully retrieved.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

GET /dealership/{dealerId}/member/{uid}

Check if user is a member of given dealer.

Request Parameters

name type description default
dealerId path SCID of a dealer. n/a
uid path Unique user identifier. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if system is successfully retrieved..
500 Returned if system is NOT successfully retrieved.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

GET /dealership/{dealerId}/admin/{uid}

Check if user is a administrator of given dealer.

Request Parameters

name type description default
dealerId path SCID of a dealer. n/a
uid path Unique user identifier. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if system is successfully retrieved..
500 Returned if system is NOT successfully retrieved.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

GET /dealership/{dealerId}/members

Get specific dealer details.

Request Parameters

name type description default
dealerId path SCID of a dealer n/a
$expand query It is used to expand related objects and collections. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query The OData order by. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if system is successfully retrieved..
500 Returned if system is NOT successfully retrieved.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

GET /dealership/{dealerId}/adminMembers

Get specific dealer details.

Request Parameters

name type description default
dealerId path SCID of a dealer n/a
$expand query The OData expand clause used to expand related objects and collections. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query The OData order by. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if system is successfully retrieved..
500 Returned if system is NOT successfully retrieved.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

GET /dealership

Gets the list of libraries that the session user is member of along with queryOptions Returns empty list if the session user is not member of any library

Request Parameters

name type description default
$expand query The OData expand clause used to expand related objects and collections. n/a
$filter query -- Reserved for future use. -- n/a
$orderby query The OData order by. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

POST /dealership

Submits a user's library to the system and persists the Library. This service takes a SCList containing SCItems which contains all of the form input parameters from the Create Dealership UI as attributes. It uses these input parameters to save the library

Request Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if library was successfully submitted.
500 Returned if library was NOT successfully submitted.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

POST /dealership

Submits a user's library to the system and persists the Library. This service takes a MultipartFormDataInput containing the form input parameters from the Create Dealership UI as attributes,it uses these input parameters to save the library and the file attachments as logo.

Request Body

media type data type
multipart/form-data (custom)

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if library was successfully submitted.
500 Returned if library was NOT successfully submitted.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

GET /dealership/{dealerId}/media/{fileName}

Streams Attachment content to a client.

Request Parameters

name type description default
dealerId path The Id of the SCDealership object to retrieve. n/a
fileName path This is an actual file name, it will be used to select the appropriate ContentItem on the SCDealership object. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 When SCDealership object is not found.
406 If the client Accept header it too restrictive for the type of content being requested.

Response Body

media type data type
application/json object (JSON)
application/xml anyType (XML)

GET /dealership/{dealerId}/thumbnail

Retrieves the thumbnail for the dealer.

Request Parameters

name type description default
Accept header The type of files that are acceptable. n/a
dealerId path n/a

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

PUT /dealership/{dealerId}

Updates a given library (dealer). This service takes a SCItem which contains all of the updated form input parameters from the Edit Dealership UI as attributes. It uses these input parameters to update the library (dealer).

Request Parameters

name type description default
dealerId path n/a

Request Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)

POST /dealership/{dealerId}

Service to support update dealer with logo attached to it. This service takes a MultipartFormDataInput containing the form input parameters from the Update Dealership UI as attributes,it uses these input parameters to update the dealer and dealer logo attached to it.

Request Parameters

name type description default
dealerId path n/a

Request Body

media type data type
multipart/form-data (custom)

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if library was successfully submitted.
500 Returned if library was NOT successfully submitted.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

GET /dealership/{dealerId}/config

Streams Attachment content to the client.

Request Parameters

name type description default
dealerId path The id of the SCDealership object to retrieve. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
404 When SCDealership object is not found.

Response Body

media type data type
application/json object (JSON)
application/xml anyType (XML)

PUT /dealership/export

Creates an activation record for a dealer. If creation is successful then constructs a configuration jar for the dealer.

Request Body

media type data type description
application/ SCItem (JSON) SCItem containing the installationKey and installationType.

Response Codes

code condition
404 When SCDealership object is not found or user is not authorized to access it.
400 If the request does not contain the required parameters.
500 If the execution was not successful.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

POST /dealership/state

Gets the modify timestamp of the dealer associated with the specified installationKey and installationType.

Request Body

media type data type description
application/ SCItem (JSON) SCItem containing the installationKey and installationType.

Response Codes

code condition
404 When no dealer object is found for the specified installationKey and type.
400 If the request does not contain the required parameters.
500 If the execution was not successful.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

GET /dealership/{userId}/dealers

Get dealers to which a specific user is associated.

Request Parameters

name type description default
userId path The SCId of user whose details are to be fetched. n/a
$expand query The expand clause used to expand related objects and collections. n/a
$filter query n/a
$orderby query The OData order by. n/a
$skip query The number of items to skip for the start of this page. n/a
$top query The number of objects to return in this page. n/a
associated query Get dealers to which a specific user is associated. n/a

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if system is successfully retrieved..
500 Returned if system is NOT successfully retrieved.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

PUT /dealership/updateSGLicense

To update SG License using one or multiple service group names

Request Body

media type data type description
application/ SCList (JSON) contains multiple SG details with SG name , expiration date, expiration no of days or license type

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if system is successfully retrieved..
500 Returned if system is NOT successfully retrieved.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCList (JSON)

GET /dealership/profile/{userId}/{libraryId}

Merges the associated profiles for the given user and dealer. It merges the PHNode, Information Type and privileges of the profiles.

Request Parameters

name type description default
libraryId path for merging the dealer profiles n/a
userId path to merge the associated profiles n/a

Response Codes

code condition
200 Returned if request was successfully executed.
500 Returned if request was NOT successfully executed.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ object (JSON)

PUT /dealership/sgReport

Rest end point to generate the report for the service-groups.

Request Body

media type data type description
application/ SCItem (JSON) SCItem containing list of service-groups.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)

GET /dealership/getSgReport/{fileName}

Rest end point to fetch the report file.

Request Parameters

name type description default
fileName path the name of the generated file. n/a

Response Body

media type data type
application/ (custom)

PUT /dealership/validSG

Rest end point to provide list if service groups available for activation user to choose at the time of activation.

Request Body

media type data type description
application/ SCItem (JSON) SCItem containing offline system information like installation key and offline installation type.

Response Body

media type data type
application/ SCItem (JSON)