Servigistics InService Publishing and Loading > Using Publishing and Loading > TAL Configuration > Configuring the BOM Filtration Builder
Configuring the BOM Filtration Builder
The BOM Filtration builder generates referenced applicability conditions on each of the PartLists. This enables the filtering PartLists based on a PartList and all its ancestors. BOM is also called product instance information.
By default, the builder is disabled. To enable the builder, edit this file:
For Windows: INSERVICE_HOME\setEnv.bat
Find this section:

REM ======================================================
REM Set home path for servers (updated during install)
REM ======================================================
Add the following line for Windows:
set bom_filtration=true
Add the following lines for Linux:
export bom_filtration
When you turn on BOM filtration, you must re-index all of your existing collections. Follow these steps to re-index a collection:
1. Open Task Manager and open the RefreshAssetsInPM task.
2. Set the value of the Assets Path option to the location where your data’s assets are located and click Ok to execute the task.
This task loads any new assets into the Publication Manager.
3. In Task Manager, open the DeployAssets task.
4. Set the DeployAssets window options to the following values:
Site Groups – The name of a working site
Reset Indextrue.
5. Click Ok to execute the task.
This task deploys any new assets to your site and automatically re-indexes any changed types.
Refer to Publication Tasks for more information about these tasks.