Creating Flows
Create a connection to provide access to the Salesforce (source) and AWS AppFlow (destination) applications. This is required to store the configuration details that allow data transfer between the applications.
Data fetched via AppFlow persisted in S3 bucket folders in csv format. By default, the flow creates a folder in the configured S3 bucket with same name as the flow. The file name is the execution Id. Flows is configured to create a single csv file per flow execution.
You must create eight flows for each integration. Seven flows are required to get data from ServiceMax used for parts planning and one flow to insert and/or update the parts planning engine output back to the ServiceMax.
The flows to get data from ServiceMax are:
• DemandDetail — This feed allows Servigistics to understand daily consumption of material so it can calculate failure rates.
• LocMaster — This feed seeks to understand all Inventory Locations such as DC, FSL, Tech
• PartChainDetail — This feed details valid part substitutions.
For example, If part A is not available, then Part A1 can be used as A1 is backwards compatible.
• PartMaster — This feed details all the service parts. At ServiceMax, Product is generically used for higher level Products as well all spare parts that may need to go into it.
For example, if the Product name is MRI5000 and it has a spare part for a magnet, then both will be represented as products. Customers may also consider pulling this feed from their ERP system as that may also include details like cost, weight, size, lead time, etc.
• Product — This feeds details of which Products need to be serviced. This is inherently tied to the Contract feed. Implementers will only need to share only the highest-level product here.
For example, if the Installed Base has information about the entire hierarchy of an MRI machine, then only the top-level product which has a service contract against it will need to be provided.
• StockAmount — This feed allows Servigistics to understand inventory levels at existing locations. Customers may consider initiating this feed directly from their ERP system depending on how it is synced with ServiceMax.
Required Qty is a formula field so Reorder Qty and Reorder Point must be utilized for integration.
The flow to push data to ServiceMax is:
• stocklevel