Service Board > Max for Developers > Max Groovy APIs > User Information and Parameters API
User Information and Parameters API
To retrieve information and parameters for the currently logged-in user or another specified user, you use the Groovy API com.servicemax.core.utils.UserInfo.
Retrieve the ID of the Logged-in User
public static UUID getUserId()
Retrieve the Record Associated With the Logged-in User
public static MaxObject getUser()
Retrieve a Specified User Parameter Associated With the Logged-in User
public static Object getUserParameter(String parameter)
Retrieve the Language Record Associated With the Logged-in User
public static MaxObject getUserLanguage()
Retrieve the Time Zone for the Logged-in User
public static DateTimeZone getUserTimeZone()
Retrieve the Date Format for the Logged-in User
public static String getUserDateFormat()
For HTTP Requests, Retrieve Attributes for the Logged-in User’s HTTP Session
public static Object getUserSessionAttribute(String attributeName)
Set a Specified User Parameter for the Logged-in User
public static void setUserParameter(String parameterName, Object parameterValue)
Set a Specified HTTP Session Attribute for the Logged-in User
public static void setUserSessionAttribute(String attributeName, Object value)
Retrieve User Parameters for a Specified User
public static Object getUserParameter(UUID userId, String parameter)
Set User Parameters for a Specified User
public static void setUserParameter(UUID userId, String parameterName, Object parameterValue)
Get External OAuth Token for Logged-in User Authenticated by External OAuth Provider
Available in Max version and OAuth version and later.
Returns a Map, with the keys access_token, token_provider, and instance_url. If no external OAuth token is found, returns an empty Map.
Output Example
Class Definition
public static Map getExternalOAuthToken()
To work with the following methods, you must first import the class.
import com.servicemax.core.utils.UserInfo;
Retrieve Information for the Logged-in User
def loggedUser = UserInfo.getUser();
println loggedUser.io_username;
println loggedUser.io_first_name;
println loggedUser.io_last_name;
Retrieve Language Associated With the Logged-in User
def lang = UserInfo.getUserLanguage();
println lang.getLanguageCode()
println lang.getUUID()
println lang.getDateFormat()
println lang.getLocale()
Retrieve Time Zone Associated With the Logged-in User
def timeZone = UserInfo.getUserTimeZone();
println timeZone.getID();
Retrieve Date Format Associated With the Logged-in User
def dateFormat = UserInfo.getUserDateFormat();
println dateFormat;
Retrieve the io_show_quick_tours_at_login User Parameter for the Logged-in User
println UserInfo.getUserParameter("io_show_quick_tours_at_login");
For HTTP Requests, Retrieve HTTP Session Attributes for the Logged-in User
println UserInfo.getUserSessionAttribute("my_session_attribute");
Retrieve Specified User Parameter (io_show_quick_tours_at_login) for a Specified User
def user = com.servicemax.core.Database.querySingleResult("SELECT io_uuid FROM io_user where io_username = 'newuser'")
println UserInfo.getUserParameter(user.io_uuid, "io_show_quick_tours_at_login");
Set Designer Application for the Logged-in User
def application = com.servicemax.core.Database.querySingleResult("SELECT io_uuid FROM io_application where io_identifier = 'designer'")
UserInfo.setUserParameter("io_default_application", application.io_uuid);
Set Designer Application for a Specified User
def user = com.servicemax.core.Database.querySingleResult("SELECT io_uuid FROM io_user where io_username = 'newuser'")
UserInfo.setUserParameter(user.io_uuid, "io_default_application", application.io_uuid);
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