Skill Set
This field contains the skill set information for the work order. The information in the Skill Set field is a key-value pair string. This value is updated based on the skill match rule.
The following is an example:
[{"skillName":"Installing TV Dish Antenna", "skillLevel":5, "skillId":"a1ag0000000NWDVAA4", "isSkillMandatory":true}]
The items in the key-value pair string are as follows:
skillName: Skill name.
skillLevel = Required skill level to service this work order.
skillId: SFDC Skill ID.
isSkillMandatory = Specifies whether the skill is mandatory for the work order. Values are true or false.
You must enable the setting SET056 (Skill set calculation for work orders) for skill set to be populated in the work order.
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