Remote Triage > Remote Triage for Administrators > Configuration > Configuring Filtration of Work Detail Lines in Work Orders
Configuring Filtration of Work Detail Lines in Work Orders
You are enabled to define the expression and apply the expression to filter out investigation parts to create work detail lines in work orders. This helps you filter the work detail lines created in work orders as per the investigations using SFM expression for filtration when you create work orders from cases with investigation records.
You can set up filtration for work detail lines of type Part and Labor.
If you have set up the filtration, the investigation part lines and investigation solution lines in the case are filtered when you generate a work order from the case. The part lines and the solution lines that match the filtration criteria specified in the SFM expression are converted as work detail lines in the work order.
To set up the filtration:
1. Create the SFM Expression as per your requirement for filtration and save it. For example, the following SFM expression ensures that the work detail lines are created only when the following criteria are met in the Investigation Part record of the case:
Investigation Part Field
Investigation Part
must be a reader or a heater
Part Label
not null
Case Number
begins with 00
greater than 12
Related Product
not null
2. Specify the saved SFM expression name as the value in SET009 (Module: ServiceMax AI, Submodule: Aquant Integration).
3. Create a work order from the case that contains Remote Triage investigation lines. For example, the following is a screenshot of the Investigation Part lines of a case.
The work order created from this case contains work detail lines as per the filtration specified in the SFM expression value added in SET009. For example, both the investigation part lines are rendered as work detail lines of the type Part in the work order as the filter criteria match in both the lines.
Similarly, you can create SFM expressions to filter investigation soft solutions and specify the expression name as the value in SET010 (Module: ServiceMax AI, Submodule: Aquant Integration) to render work detail lines of type Labor in the work order from the investigation solution lines in the case.
If the SET009 and SET010 values are null, filtration does not occur.
Filtration does not occur, and an error is displayed in the following scenarios:
The SFM expression name you have specified in the setting is invalid.
There are duplicate SFM expression names.
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