Fixed Issue List
Impacted Product and Feature: ServiceMax Suite
Release Applicability: 24.1 GA Version
Release Date: July 11, 2024
This topic lists the enhancements and the defects fixed in ServiceMax 24.1.
ServiceMax Foundation
Case Number
Issue: The Discount percentage configured in the Expense child line was not populated in the Discount field. However, the discount was applied correctly to the Billable Line Price.
Resolution: The Discount percentage configured in the Expense child line is now populated in the Discount field.
For more information, see Get Price.
Issue: The PM Plan engine was executed and an error occurred during Work Order creation. The Work Order were deleted and the PM Schedules were rolled back with Status Completed.
The PM Schedule should have rolled back with Status Open or In-Progress.
Resolution: The PM Schedule Status is not updated when the PM Plan engine fails to create Work Orders.
For more information, see Work Order Generation for PM Schedule.
Issue: The Time entries Start DateTime and End DateTime were not calculated per actual hours for multi-day events.
Resolution: The Time entries Start DateTime and End DateTime are now calculated according to the actual hours for multi-day events.
Defects Fixed
SFM Designer
Case Number
An SFM configured with Account ID field mapping displayed an error on SFM Delivery. When the Person Account was enabled in the org, multiple Account fields were tagged as Name fields, which displayed the error.
The admin must resave the Page Layout to get the correct Name field value.
A system exception occurred when the admin tried to view the template in the checklist designer.
For more information, see GBL044.
Schedule Optimization
Case Number
The optimization engine assigned the work orders within the 12-hour dispatch threshold.
This is a server fix available in production as a part of Server Upgrade - April 2024.
SFMD React
Case Number
A conflict occurred in the DateTime field when a Labor line was added in an SFM. The error message displayed the HTML line break tag instead of adding a line break as the HTML tags were not supported in React Delivery.
00146075, 00147200
A lookup field configured with lookup formfill mapping did not work as expected as the lookup field was not included in the page layout.
Multiple DVRs configured on a custom field displayed the error messages randomly instead of sequentially.
The DVRs configured with HTML tags in the error messages displayed the HTML tags instead of the correct error message as the HTML tags were not supported in React Delivery.
The required field with value mapping configured did not display an error message when the field had no value.
The user was unable to type and select a value from the picklist when the DVR was configured on the picklist field and the Real-Time Validation was enabled.
The DVR identified the custom number fields with precision as exponential numbers and displayed an error.
The inline validation with the number field was not displayed in the SFM header.
An SFM with the DateTime field in the Chinese(Taiwan) locale displayed an extra character B instead of AM or PM.
00144433, 00148777
The child line grid in an SFM experienced rendering issues and became unresponsive when the user entered values in the child lines.
00147874, 00146037
The SFM Delivery screen became unresponsive when the user tried to add a record from the service contract lookup and saved the SFM.
The value selected from the picklist field was misaligned and displayed at the top of the child line section when the scroll bar was used to navigate up and down in the SFM grid.
00151169, 00151357, 00151679, 00151465, 00150893, 00151647, 00151584, 00151518, 00151212, 00151168
The SFM grid's list view and the calendar display were in line with the Salesforce behavior. This resulted in usability issues when there were no or very few child lines in the SFM grid.
The user was unable to add a new child line using double click after adding a few child lines in the SFM grid on the Windows laptop.
The code snippet was executed, and duplicate fields were not highlighted in the validation error.
00148771, 00147518
The SFM data grid did not retain the adjusted or resized column width.
The same data validation rule used for two child sections did not display the error for one of the child sections.
The user encountered an error when the address field was added in the Work Order Debrief SFM.
The code snippet for an SFM displayed an error when saving a record with accurate data.
The lookup formfill was not updated with a null value in the SFM.
The includes operator was not working as expected when used with the multi-picklist field in the Advanced Search filter.
The user could not add a decimal point value to the Duration field in the Extended Edit modal.
The DVR error message was displayed on the Save or Quick Save action when the Extended Edit modal was invoked and canceled without any modifications.
The new child line was not added in sorted order in the SFM when a Quick Save was performed.
The time component was passed with Date datatype fields in the code snippet execution which resulted in a validation error in the snippet.
The list of States/Provinces in the drop-down list was incorrect and unrelated to that country.
00156152, 00155070, 00157006, 00157579
The Case assignment rule was triggered wrongfully when the SFM was saved.
The handover from Background to Interactive SFM did not work as expected.
The SFM Delivery react page did not load from a custom button.
The user had to click twice instead of once to select a checkbox in Data Guide of React-based SFM Delivery.
The DVR was not functioning as expected for 'Today' literal when the user's time zone and the system's time zone were different.
00145084, 00150984
The task confirmation message was not displayed on event execution via custom button in React-based SFM Delivery.
Case Number
The SFM Expression criteria with the Contains operator displayed a validation error and was not migrated as expected.
00151112, 00151254
The Wizard step Expressions associated with the DataGuide Configuration were not migrated when the Wizard was selected for migration.
The import zip file displayed a validation message when there were no dependent configuration items.
ServiceMax Foundation
Case Number
The "Collection Size 1459 Exceeds maximum size of 1000" error was displayed when a Custom Action of type Email was configured. The Custom Action exceeded the maximum of 1000 values per list in the Email template.
The Task or Event child records were not associated with the header record when the relatedToId was not provided in the UI. This issue occurred when the org was upgraded to the 23.1 release.
00130568, 00129642
The user encountered an Apex CPU time limit exceeded error when accessing the Mobile Configuration page. The Mobile Configuration page displayed the labels of all the objects available in the org, which reduced the memory and caused the error.
The SLA End Date ignored the Business Hours as calculation was performed in GMT instead of the local time.
00150455, 00150495, 00149567, 00149081, 00149912, 00149509
The user encountered a component error when accessing a record that had no qualified wizards.
The IB record did not open in the console view when an IB record was clicked in the IB Tree.
The View All and Modify All access permissions were enabled on some objects instead of the Read permission in the ServiceMax Standard permission set.
The Advanced Search Filters on the lookup field in the SFM did not support the existing filters.
The Related Object field in the Advance Download Criteria, displayed the value None when edited and saved.
The Auto Entitlement process did not populate the Entitled by Service field when the available units were zero.
The users added on the App Administration > Trigger Controls page were removed from the user's list. The added users were considered inactive and removed from the user's list.
An incorrect time entered error was displayed when the user added the Start DateTime when de-briefing a Work Order. The German locale had a space in the time format HH:mm which resulted in the error.
The SFM Wizard step created for the Task object was not displayed in the SFM Wizard section. This is a Salesforce limitation as the Salesforce lightning component does not support standard objects such as Tasks and Events.
00151268, 00151677, 00151592
The user encountered a component error when accessing a record with no qualified wizards.
The Auto Entitlement process retrieved the recently created contract instead of the first created contract when multiple active contracts were eligible for a Work Order. For more information, see Choosing Auto Entitlement for multiple Service Contracts.
Although all the SFM Wizards matched the criteria, some were unavailable on the record.
The SFM Expression with Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than Equals To, or Less Than Equals To operators for String or AutoNumber data type fields were not working as expected for the SFM Wizard Step.
The SFM Wizards with long names were misaligned and displayed below the SFM Wizard icon due to a CSS issue.
00153201, 00153567
The user encountered a View State Size error when creating a Custom Action of Type Email due to the increased email template list size.
An unexpected error occurred when the user tried to edit the Mobile Configuration page for a profile.
A manual pull generated two time entries for a multi-day Work Detail line that covered two days. The first time entry displayed an incorrect End DateTime value that exceeded 24 hours.
The Age Bucket calculation in the Work Order object displayed incorrect values due to a misconfigured formula. This impacted the reports.
00154794, 00155655
The PM Plans were generated without PM Schedule Definitions and PM Schedule.
00156440, 00156498
The PM Plans were not processed for Work Order creation as the SCON Scheduler failed with an Apex heap size error.
For more information, see SET005.
The IB Timeline pop-up window position was misaligned with the mouse position due to screen resolution changes.
The Technical Attributes History for an IB was incorrectly displayed as the sorting order was based on date and month, instead of date, month, and year.
The Custom Action of Type Email configuration displayed an error as the SOQL query was executed multiple times.
Dispatch Console
Case Number
The event hover rule did not display the Checkbox value as True/False when the Checkbox field was included in the rule criteria.
The event color rule did not function as expected when the rule was configured with the date/time field in the rule expression.
The user could not save an Immediate dispatch process when the Dispatcher or Queue search results were more than 50000 records.
The user was unable to save events with the Drive Time After value when the JDM setting was True.
00154180, 00153940, 00154811
Route numbers for work orders were not displayed on the map on those days when the technician had more than one work order.
SFM Delivery
Case Number
The DVR and Formula configured on the Checklist question of type number did not work as expected due to a hyphen in the question ID.
The Customer Portal users were unable to view the IB Tree for an Installed Product.
The user could not view the attached images in the Checklist Output document.
00153192, 00150391
The user could not load the SFM in the Hyperforce instance when GBL043 was set to True.
00152879, 00152967, 00154276
An unexpected error caused the field to move to the top of the page when a child line was added in the SFM.
The user could not load the SFM in the Hyperforce instance when GBL043 was set to True.
SFDX Plugins
Case Number
The SFM Expression with the Record Type ID field and the Contains and Does Not Contain operators displayed a validation error and was not migrated using the Core SFDX Plugin as expected.
The Document Template-related data was missed when the Output Document was migrated using the SFDX Plugin.
An error occurred when the SFM Expressions were validated using the Validate command with the Not Equal To operator for a Record Type ID field.
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