Scheduling Configuration Items
Migration of the following configuration items related to scheduling is supported:
Dispatch Processes
Skill Match Rules
MTTS Rules
Technician Eligibility Rules
Territory Match Rules
Consider the following while validating migration of dispatch processes:
The territories associated with the dispatch processes are migrated as dependent items.
When a child territory is part of the migration as a dependent entity of a dispatch process, its parent territories are also migrated.
If a territory associated with the dispatch process in the source org is associated with another dispatch process in the target org, that particular dispatch process is not migrated. On validation, the following error message is displayed: " Territory (<dependent Territory>) is associated with another dispatch process (<Target Org Dispatch Process name>) in Target Org.".
In Assignment rules, exception handling details (that is, if a work order does not match any of the rules defined for the process, the information about how to handle such an exception) are not migrated . You must set those manually post migration.
Consider the following while validating migration of skill match rules:
The skills associated with the skill match rules are migrated as dependent items.
When a child skill is part of the migration as a dependent entity of a skill match rule, its parent skills are also migrated.
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