Getting Started > Languages, Security, and Privacy > Language Support and Translations > Managing Translation Using Salesforce Platform
Managing Translation Using Salesforce Platform
The table below lists the type of strings managed using the Salesforce platform and how they can be managed:
Type of Strings
Configuration Page
Additional Information
Object labels Name field labels
Salesforce Setup page option Rename Tabs and Labels under App Setup/Build > Customize > Tab Names and Labels
All ServiceMax screens including those in mobile apps, which display labels of any objects, fields, record types, picklist values, and validation error messages, display these translations based on the logged in user's language
Custom field labels Record Type labels Picklist values Custom field help text Validation error message Salesforce page layouts: Section titles and button & link label Custom Report Types: Name and description
Salesforce Setup page option Translation Workbench under Administration Setup/Administer
Following attributes displayed in ServiceMax screens: Page, tab, and section titles Button labels Tool tips Error / warning / confirmation messages
Salesforce Setup page option Custom Labels under App Setup/Build > Create
Refer to the section below for details on how to find specific ServiceMax custom labels
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