Inventory Process Fields
The following table lists the Inventory Process fields:
ServiceMax Module
The ServiceMax module this inventory process is related to.
Inventory Process ID
A unique ID to identify the inventory process.
Process Name
Name of the process. For example, "Process RMA Receipts."
A detailed description of the inventory process.
Parent Object Name
The name of the parent/main object on which this inventory process is used. Examples are Parts Order, Work Order and Parts Request.
Is Multiline Transaction?
Indicates if this inventory transaction involves only one product (in the main/header object) or if it involves multiple line items (typically in a child/related object).
Child Object Name
Name of the child/related object if it is a multiline transaction.
Child Record Type
Name of the record type to filter the child records.
Error Message for Parent
Error message to be displayed if the header record does not meet the entry criteria for the process. For example, if an RMA is Closed or Canceled.
Error Message for Child
Error message to be displayed if no line records meet the entry criteria for the process. Example, all lines in a Parts Request have been received fully or closed.
Product Field
The Product field (in header or line object) to be considered for the inventory process.
Product Attribute
Product attribute to be displayed by the inventory engine for this process. Example: Model Number, Name or Description.
Original Quantity Field
Name of the field in the header or line object that indicates the original transaction quantity. For example, in a parts request, it will be the Requested Quantity.
Is Actual Quantity Entered
Indicates if users are allowed to enter an Actual Quantity against the expected quantity. This is typically set to false in ‘Post to inventory’ transactions like Work Order Usage or Stock Transfer.
Actual Quantity Field
Name of the field in the header or line object that indicates the actual transaction quantity. For example, in a parts request, it will be the Received Quantity.
Allow Excess Quantity
The flag indicates if users should be allowed to enter an actual quantity more than the expected quantity.
Allow Partial Quantity
The flag indicates if users should be allowed to enter an actual quantity less than the expected quantity.
Close Partial Lines
The flag indicates if users can close a line after entering a partial actual quantity.
Serial Selection Required
Indicates if this inventory process requires the selection of serial numbers.
Serial Number Uniqueness
Indicates the level of enforcement required on the uniqueness of serial numbers. Options are Do Not Enforce Soft (Warning only) and Strict (Do not allow duplicates).
Number of Stock Locations
The number of stock locations used/impacted by this process. Can be One or Two.
First Location Field
Name of the field in the header or line object that indicates the source (first) location. For example, in a stock transfer, it will be Source Location.
First Location Stock Status
Stock status to be used to locate the stock records from the source (first) location.
First Location Stock Action
Action to be performed on stock records from the source (first) location. Options are Increase, Decrease, or Set.
Second location Field
The name of the field in the header or line object that indicates the target (second) location. For example, in a stock transfer, it will be the Destination Location.
Second Location Stock Status
Stock status to be used to locate the stock records from the target (second) location.
Second Location Stock Action
Action to be performed on stock records from the target (second) location. Options are Increase, Decrease, or Set.
Non-Stockable Locations
This field indicates if any, of the two locations are required to be stockable. The following are the available options:
•Location 1: Non-Stockable
•Location 2: Non-Stockable
•Both Stockable
Notify on Negative Stock
Email ID to which notifications regarding negative stock are sent for this inventory process.
Send Email to Location Owner
The flag indicates if negative stock alerts must be sent to the stock location’s owner in addition to the above email ID.
Stock History Required
Indicates if this inventory process is required to post a history record.
History Tracking Level
Level of history tracking required for this inventory process. Options are Stock History, Serial History and Both.
Stock History Header Field
Name of the field in ServiceMax Stock History object that points to the header/parent object.
Stock History Line Field
Name of the field in ServiceMax Stock History object that points to the line/child object.
Related Object Name
Name of the related object on which updates should be performed as part of this inventory process. For example, when a shipment is initiated for a parts request, the parts request line could be updated with the ‘initiated quantity.’
Related Object Field Name
Name of the Quantity field to be updated in the related object.
Related Object Field Action
Type of action to be performed on the related object quantity field. Options are Increase, Decrease, and Set.
Closure Action Field Name
Name of the field in the header or child object that should be updated when the header/child no longer meets the entry criteria as a result of the user’s inputs. For example, when parts request line is fully received, the line status could be set to Close.
Closure Action Field Value
Value to be set in the header or child object field.
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