PM Schedule Priority or Sort Order
The Sort Order field is added to the PM Schedule record to resolve duplicate Work Order generation. The Sort Order field values are compared when there is more than one PM Schedule visit one week apart. For example, consider a PM Plan with more than one PM Schedule, and the 'Scheduled On Date' for the PM Schedules fall within one week. In this case, the Work Order is generated for the PM Schedule with the lowest Sort Order (the highest priority).
This field is only applicable to Time-Based PM Plans.
If the Sort Order for the multiple PM Schedules is the same or not provided, then the previous PM Process Work Order Generation behavior prevails. The overlapping PM Schedules generate duplicate Work Orders.
Example: Consider a PM Plan with the following PM Schedules:
PM Schedule for minor PM visit - once every one month with Sort Order=2
PM Schedule for significant PM visit - once every three months with Sort Order=1.
In this example, duplicate PM Work Orders are generated. In the third month, one Work Order is generated for the minor PM visit and one for the major PM visit. Typically, the admin would prefer the major PM visit plan overrule the minor PM visit plan. With this enhancement, the PM Schedule with Sort Order 1 takes precedence over the other since its Scheduled On Date is within a week. The following screen displays the PM Schedules with different Sort Orders.
The Sort Order field is added as a column on the related list for PM Schedule Definitions. The Sort Order field helps identify which PM Schedule is generated into a Work Order on a week with multiple competing PM Schedule Definitions. The Sort Order field is added to the following standard SFMs:
Manage Product-based Preventive Maintenance Plan
Manage Location-based Preventive Maintenance Plan
Manage Account-based Preventive Maintenance Plan
Administrators have to explicitly run the configurator and choose the option "Load Standard SFMs" for the Sort Order column to appear on the related list of the PM Schedule Definition.
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