Resources > Objects > Parts Request > Parts Request Access and Permissions
Parts Request Access and Permissions
The following table lists the permissions needed to perform various actions on the Parts Request object.
User Permissions Needed
To view the Parts Request tab
"Read" on Parts Request
To view Parts Requests
"Read" on Parts Request and Parts Request Line
To create or clone Parts Requests
"Create" on Parts Request and Parts Request Line
"Read" on Location and Product
To change Parts Requests
"Edit" on Parts Request and Parts Request Line
"Read" on Location and Product
To delete Parts Requests
"Delete" on Parts Request and Parts Request Line
To create Parts Requests Line
"Create" on Parts Request Line
"Read" on Product
To edit Parts Requests Line
"Edit" on Parts Request Line
"Read" on Product
To find the stocks in Parts Request Lines
"Read" on ServiceMax Settings, Product, Location, and Product Stock
"Edit" on Parts Request Line
To create Shipment Order from Parts Request
"Read" on Parts Request, Product, and Location
"Edit on Parts Request Line
"Create on Parts Order and Parts Order Line
To process receipt in Parts Request
"Read" on ServiceMax Settings, Product, and Location
"Edit" on Parts Request Line and Parts Requests
"Create" and "Edit" on Stock History, Product Stock, and Stocked Serial
To cancel Parts Request
"Edit" on Parts Requests and Parts Request Line
To send user message
"Read" on User Message
"Edit" on User Message
"Create" on User Message
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