Preventive Maintenance > Preventive Maintenance for End Users > Configuring Delay PM Plan Creation
Configuring Delay PM Plan Creation
The Delay feature is available in the PM Plans and PM Plan Templates. The fields, Start Date Delay Unit and Start Date Delay, are part of the standard OOTB Create PM Plan SFM transaction to control the first service date for creating PM Plans. These fields can also be used in your custom PM Plan Creation SFM to use the delay feature.
For configuring Start Date Delay, PM Plan offers the following fields:
Start Date Delay Unit
Start Date Delay
If you populate the Start Date Delay and Delay Unit fields, the system adjusts the first recurring PM Schedule Definition's Schedule Date based on the PM Start Date + Start Date Delay value (in Delay Unit).
In the scenario where the Delay Start fields are populated in both the PM Plan and the PM Plan Template, the delay fields on the PM Plan take precedence over the delay fields on the PM Plan Template.
The Delay feature is currently intended for Time Based PM Plans with recurring schedule definitions. It is not supported for Time Based Non-Recurring PM Plans.
Sample Scenarios
Some of the sample scenarios of how the delay feature behaves are as follows:
If PM Plan Template and PM Plan do not have the delay values, the PM Schedule is generated as per the original Start Date + the scheduled frequency.
If PM Plan Template has delay values and PM Plan does not have delay values, the PM Schedule is generated as per the PM Template delay values.
If PM Plan Template does not have delay values and PM Plan has delay values, the PM Schedule is generated as per PM Plan delay values.
If PM Plan Template and PM Plan both have delay values, the PM Schedule is generated as per PM Plan delay values.
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