Resources > Settings Library > Settings: Preventive Maintenance in 23.2
Settings: Preventive Maintenance in 23.2
The Preventive Maintenance functionality is governed by some global (org-wide) and group (based on ServiceMax Group Profile) configuration settings. This section helps you get an understanding of these settings that apply to Preventive Maintenance. You can view these settings under ServiceMax Setup > App Administration > Settings.
The following tables list the settings which are applicable to Preventive Maintenance.
Preventive Maintenance - Manage PM Plan
Setting ID
Setting Name
Setting Type
SET002, Activate Preventive Maintenance Plan on creation
If this setting value is True, the Active flag will be set to True on Preventive Maintenance Plan creation.
Global, Default Value: False
SET003, Enable Location-based PM Plan
If this setting value is True, the PM engine creates one work order per Location for a PM plan whose Coverage Type is Location (Must have Location)
Global, Default Value: False
SET004, Map ID to map header fields of selected Service Contract on to PM plan
Field mappings defined under this object Map ID will be used when a condition-based PM plan is created from the Service Contract
Global, Group
SET005, Map ID to map header fields of selected Location on to PM plan
Field mappings defined under this object Map ID will be used when a condition-based PM plan is created from a Location
Global, Group
SET006, Map ID to map header fields of selected Installed Product on to PM plan
Field mappings defined under this object Map ID will be used when a condition-based PM plan is created from an Installed product
Global, Group
SET007, Map ID to map header fields of selected account on to PM plan
Field mappings defined under this object Map ID will be used when a condition-based PM plan is created from an account
Global, Group
SET008, Map ID to map header fields of selected PM plan template on to PM plan
Field mappings defined under this object Map ID will be used when a condition-based PM plan is created from a PM plan template
Global, Group
Preventive Maintenance - PM Scheduler
Setting ID
Setting Name
Setting Type
SET001, Batch Size for PM Plan execution
Indicates the number of Preventive Maintenance Plans to be considered per batch when SCON Scheduler processes them. Note: This is an internal setting. Do not change it.
Global, Default Value: 1
SET002, PM Coverage batch size
Indicates the number of Covered Products or Covered Locations to be considered per batch by PM Engine for a Time Based PM Plan.
Change it to a lower value in case any governor limit issues are encountered.
Global, Default Value: 200
SET003, Batch Size for Condition Based PM Plan
Indicates the number of Condition Based Preventive Maintenance Plans to be considered per batch when SCON Scheduler processes them.
Global, Default Value: 20
SET004, Limit PM Engine Execution to a Single Instance
This setting defines the execution preference for running the PM Engine Process. If the Setting is True, then PM Scheduler will only execute a single instance of the PM Engine at a time. If the Setting is False (Default), then the PM Scheduler may execute multiple instances of the PM Engine process in parallel.
Global, Default Value: False
Preventive Maintenance - PM Actions
Setting ID
Setting Name
Setting Type
SET001, Create Task on work order
Tasks will be created for work orders, based on PM Schedule Definition’s Task Templates, only if this is true.
Global, Default Value: True
SET002, Default priority value
When SET001 is True, work order tasks are created, their Priority is set to this setting value if there is no mapping for Task Priority field from Task Template field.
Global, Default Value: Normal
SET003, Enable PM Action Trigger
This setting controls enabling of PM Action Trigger on the work order. If this setting is FALSE, PM-related functionality will be disabled.
Global, Default Value: False
SET004, Enable Adjustments of subsequent schedules for condition-based PM Plan
When this setting is turned on, adjustments to subsequent schedules are made when the work order's Activity Date field is updated. This is done by making Salesforce future calls.
Global, Default Value: False
Preventive Maintenance - View Edit PM Plan
Setting ID
Setting Name
Setting Type
Reset PM Cycle When Frequency Changes
Global, Default Value: True
Email ID to which success notifications about completed PM jobs should be sent
Group, Global
Email ID to which error notifications about failed PM jobs should be sent
Group, Global
Service Contract - Service Contract Activation VF
Setting ID
Setting Name
Setting Type
SET007, Create Preventive Maintenance Plan on Contract activation
This setting indicates if Preventive Maintenance Plan should be created when a Service Contract is activated.
Global, Default Value: True
SET006, SFM Process to create Preventive Maintenance Plan
Use this SFM Process to create a Preventive Maintenance Plan for PM Offerings in Service Contract.
Global, Default Value: CR_PM_FromPMOffering
SET008, Maximum future method calls per Apex invocation
Internal setting to control the maximum future method calls to be used during Service Contract activation.
Global, Default Value: 10
SET009, Maximum number of PM Offerings to process in a future call
Maximum number of PM Offerings to process in a future call,
Global, Default Value: 4
SET005, Email ID to receive success notifications
Email ID to receive success notifications about PM Plans created from PM Offerings during Contract activation.
Global, Default Value: <Blank>
Service Contract - Service Contract Update
Setting ID
Setting Name
Setting Type
SET001, Update/Create PM Plan upon Adding Contract Coverage
If this is set to TRUE, a backend trigger for the PM Plan Object will fire when coverage is added to an existing Service Contract. The Trigger’s behavior is decided by setting “PM Plan Behavior when Contract Coverage is Added.”
Global, Default Value: False Value Options: False, True
SET002, Update PM Plan upon Removing Contract Coverage
If this is set to TRUE, a backend trigger for the PM Plan Object will fire when coverage is removed from an existing Service Contract. The trigger will update the status of the coverage on its associated PM Plan to ‘Canceled.’ If all coverage lines on the PM Plan are Canceled, the PM Plan status will be updated to ‘Canceled.’
Global, Value Options: False, True
SET003, PM Plan Behavior when Contract Coverage is Added
This setting indicates the PM Plan Trigger behavior when Coverage lines are added to a Service Contract. This setting will only function if Setting “Update/Create PM Plan upon Adding Contract Coverage” is set to TRUE. If “Create New PM Plan” is selected, Adding Coverage to the Service Contract will result in a New PM Plan being created (based on the PM Offering), with a single line of Coverage. If “Add Coverage to Existing PM Plan” is selected, Adding Coverage to the Service Contract will result in Coverage being added to an existing PM Plan associated to the SCON.
Global, Default Value: Create New PM Plan
Value Options: Create New PM Plan, Add Coverage to Existing PM Plan
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