For company logo file, upload the logo image file to a Salesforce document with the Name and Unique Name LOGO (case-sensitive)
For any other image files, upload the image file to a Salesforce document
Document named 'Service Quote Report Image'
The only formats supported for image files are JPEG, PNG, and GIF
The end user using the Output Document Delivery must have access to the Document folder
The parameter to the IMAGE function must be the unique name of a document to which a valid image file is uploaded
This is how IMAGE function should be used in style mode: <style typee="
text/css"> @page{ size:A4 landscape; @top-left { color: rgb(255,0,0); content:'{{$
D.Work_Order.Name}}'; font-size:18px;font-color:red;fontweight:
bold;text-align:left; background-image: url({{$F.IMAGE(‘ServiceMaxLogo’)}})
} } .table { color: #fff; } </style>
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