Attribute -driven Data Binding
When an expression includes string literals, double quotes can be used to contain the expression and single quotes to represent the string literal.
<div svmx-data=”’WorkOrder Id:’ + {{$D.WO.Id}}”/>
Only the following HTML elements support attribute-driven data binding: DIV, IMG, TABLE, TD, TH.
Child section field values can be included only through attribute-driven data binding used in tables
Format for this is as follows:
<table svmxdata=”{{<child object alias>}}”> <thead> <tr><th svmx-data=”{{<field name>}}”><ColumnLabel></th> ... ... </tr> </thead> </table>.
<table svmxdata=”{{<
child object alias>}}”> <thead> <tr>
<th svmx-data=”{{<field name>}}”><Column
Label></th> ... ... </tr> </thead> </table>.
In a table, each cell can hold one or more values (data binding expressions).
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