To apply format styles such as italics, bold, and so on, you must set up a font family explicitly. Otherwise the default font Unicode MS will be applied when PDF is generated. Unicode MS does not support formatting.
<span style="font-family:courier new,-
courier,monospace;"><span style="font-size:
24px;"><u><strong>Service Quote
To apply locale formatting for numbers, you must use the function LNUMBER.
To apply a number field's scale (number of decimal digits), you must use the function SNUMBER.
To show a form UI, use a table with the required number of rows and columns
HTML style:<b>{{$D.WO.Id}}</b> CSS style:<divsvmx-data=’{{$D.WO.Id}}’ style=’fontweight:bold’/>
Avoid using HTML constructs to provide styles. Use CSS styles instead.
HTML style:<b>{{$D.WO.Id}}</b> CSS style:<div
svmx-data=’{{$D.WO.Id}}’ style=’fontweight:
To include custom styles or media queries (typically for header and footer), include a single HTML style tag at the beginning and define all the relevant attributes.
<style type="text/css"> @page{ size:A4 landscape;
@top-left { color: rgb(255,0,0); content:'
{{$D.Work_Order.Name}}'; font-size:18px;font-color:
red;font-weight:bold;text-align:left; } } .table {
color: #fff; } </style>
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