Viewing Asset Timeline
Asset 360 in the SFS mobile application allows you to get visibility into past and future Work Order records on an Asset record in a Timeline UI. You can launch Asset Timeline from a Work Order record or an Asset record. If it is launched from a Work Order record, it loads all the Work Order records that belong to the source Work Order Asset record.
To view the Asset Timeline, perform the following actions.
1. Log into the SFS mobile application.
2. Navigate to the Asset record where you want to view the timeline.
3. From the quick actions, tap the Asset Timeline option set by your administrator. The Asset Timeline screen is displayed with the list of Work Order records.
The Asset name is displayed at top of the list.
The Asset Timeline displays Work Order records for the past three months and the future two months.
The past Work Order list is displayed as cards just below the current time.
The available Work Order list is displayed in reverse chronological order.
The future Work Order records are displayed above the current time.
User Interactions with Asset Timeline
All the Work Order records are in a collapsed state. Tap the arrow to expand the card. The fields in the card are driven by the compact layout configuration.
The Work Order number is displayed as the title and the created date is shown against it as per the configuration on the Admin Setup page. The icons are also as per the configuration.
Tap the Refresh button to synchronize the data with the server.
Tap the Current button to navigate to the current Timeline.
Tap the Filter button to select and display desired Work Orders on the timeline.
In the Filters screen, tap the dates to set the desired date range for the timeline. The maximum range allowed is 12 months before the start date and 12 months after the end date. By default, the Start Date is set three months back from today and the End Date is set two months ahead from today.
In the Filters screen, if no Work Order type is selected as a filter, the Apply button is disabled.
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