Asset 360 Suite > Asset 360 for End Users > Locations > Creating Maintenance Plan from a Location > Creating Platform-based Maintenance Plan from Location
Creating Platform-based Maintenance Plan from Location
To create a maintenance plan for a location:
1. Open a Location record.
2. Launch the OOTB standard Create Maintenance Plan SPM wizard step. The A360 - Create Maintenance Plan from Location page is displayed.
The following GIF displays the creation of a maintenance plan from the location.
3. Provide details for the following fields. For more information, see Creating Maintenance Plan Templates.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Maintenance Plan Template*
Select an MPT using the MPT lookup field.
This lookup only displays active Maintenance Plan Templates.
Maintenance Plan Title
Enter a title for the Maintenance Plan.
The Location to be associated with the new Maintenance Plan.
This is a read-only field.
Select an Account from the Account lookup field. The Account is filtered based on the Location record. Only the Accounts which are associated with this location are displayed.
Start Date*
Select a start date for the Maintenance Plan.
4. Click Next. The Maintenance Plan Details page is displayed with auto-populated values based on information from the Maintenance Plan Template.
5. Provide details for the following fields.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Maintenance Plan Title
The Maintenance Plan Title auto-populated from the previous page.
Account ID
The Account ID is auto-populated from the previous page.
Location ID
The Location ID is auto-populated from the source record.
Enter a description for the Maintenance Plan.
Maintenance Plan Template*
The MPT auto-populated from the previous page.
Start Date*
The Start Date auto-populated from the previous page. This is the date of the first Work Order.
End Date
The End Date is calculated based on duration information from the Maintenance Plan Template. It is calculated as follows:
Maintenance Plan End Date = (MPT Maintenance Plan Duration + MPT Maintenance Plan Unit of Time) from Maintenance Plan Start Date.
For example, Start Date=6/3/2021, then :
End Date = (1 + Year) = 1 year from Start Date = 6/3/2022
If Maintenance Plan Duration and Maintenance Plan Unit of time is not mentioned in the template then the End Date is not calculated.
Work Type ID
The Work Type ID auto-populated from the MPT.
Include assets with the following status
This field allows you to select one or more status values for asset records to filter the automatically-generated list of Maintenance Assets on the Manage Maintenance Assets screen. If this field is left blank, all assets associated with the Location record will be added to the Maintenance Asset list, regardless of their status.​
Work Order Generation Method
Specify how work orders are generated when more than one asset is associated with the maintenance plan.
This field is auto-populated from the MPT.
Maintenance Window Start (Days)
The maintenance window represents the range of days in which a work order can be scheduled. The service appointment’s Earliest Start Permitted Date before its work order’s Suggested Maintenance Date.
This field is auto-populated from the MPT.
Maintenance Window End (Days)
The maintenance window represents the range of days in which a work order can be scheduled. The service appointment’s Due Date after its work order’s Suggested Maintenance Date.
This field is auto-populated from the MPT.
Generation Horizon (Days)
This field indicates the number of days before the first work order in the next batch on which work order batches are generated. This value will auto-populate in the field of the same name on the Maintenance Plan upon creation.
This field is auto-populated from the MPT.
Service Appointment Generation Method
This field is used to specify how service appointments are generated when more than one asset is associated with the maintenance plan, and Work Order Generation Method is set to One work order line per asset. The value in this field will auto-populate a field of the same name on the Maintenance Plan.
This field is auto-populated from the MPT.
Generation Timeframe*
This field allows users to set the time in advance that work orders are generated in each batch for a Maintenance Plan. The unit of measurement is specified in Generation Timeframe Type. The values in both fields are mapped to the Maintenance Plan created using this MPT.
This field is auto-populated from the MPT.
Generation Timeframe Type*
The unit of frequency for the generation timeframe field. The values in both this field and the Generation Timeframe field are mapped to the Maintenance Plan created using this MPT.
This field is auto-populated from the MPT.
Date of the first Work Order in the next batch*
The date of the first Work Order in the next batch is auto-populated from the Start Date but can be updated to a custom value.
Auto-generate Work Orders
A checkbox to indicate whether Work Orders are auto-generated for the Maintenance Plan. This field will auto-populate a checkbox of the same name in the Maintenance Plan upon creation.
If this field is set to true on a Maintenance Plan, it will disable the ability to generate work orders manually.
This field is auto-populated from the MPT.
Generate New Batch Upon Completion
Specify whether to generate the new batch on completion of the last work order in the previous batch.
This field is auto-populated from the MPT.
6. Click Next. The Manage Maintenance Assets page is displayed with qualified assets based on the Applicable Product defined for the selected MPT and the Include assets with the following status field from the previous page.
You can also add maintenance assets. For more information, see Manage Maintenance Assets.
7. Click Create Maintenance Plan. The new Maintenance Plan record is created. Along with the Maintenance Plan, Maintenance Assets and Maintenance Work Rules are also created as child records of the Maintenance Plan record.
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