Creating Entitled Services
To create Entitled Services (ES) for a Service Contract:
1. Launch the Service Contract for which you want to create the Entitled Service.
2. From the Entitled Services tab, click New Service.
3. Provide the details for the fields as described in the following table.
Field Name
Field Description
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Entitled Service Name
Enter a unique title for the entitled service.
Service Contract
This field is pre-populated from the Service Contract for which you want to create the entitled service.
Service Product*
Search and select the service product from the list.
Contract Line Item
Search and select a Contract Line Item (CLI) for which the price is defined.
You must associate an Entitled Service with a CLI from the same Service Contract where the ES is created in order to display only that ES in Entitlement results.
If there are multiple ES associated with CLI, all these ES are listed in the Interactive Entitlement screen.
If there is no ES associated with any CLI, all the ES are listed in the Interactive Entitlement screen.
Set the status of the entitled service.
Search and select a product from the list.
Start Date
Set a start date for the entitled service.
End Date
Set an end date for the entitled service.
If Contract Line exists, the start date and end date must be within the start date and end date of the Contract Line. Else, an error message is displayed.
If Contract Line does not exist and Entitled Services exist, the start date and end date must be within the start date and end date of the Service Contract. Else, an error message is displayed.
End-Date Indicator in the Entitlement screen:
If the End Date is within the next 90 days, the icon is orange.
If the End date is within the next 30 days, the icon is red.
If the End Date is already passed or expired, the date is displayed in Italics font.
Operating Hours
Select the operating hours from the available list.
Service Thresholds: The value in the Service Units field displays other related fields dynamically to provide more inputs.
Service Units
Select a threshold unit from the available list. Asset 360 supports the following types of service thresholds:
Total Service Units
Enter a numeric value for the total number of allowed units in the Entitled Service.
If you select Visit as the Service Unit, you get the Total Service Visits. Every time the Entitlement engine runs, it consumes the total count. For each run, the visit count decreases by 1.
If you change the Entitled Services, the Visit count is decreased by 1 for the current selection and 1 for the previous selection. The decrement or increment count for the Visit is displayed in the Service Coverage wizard or the Interactive Entitlement screen.
Display Alert When Threshold Unit Reaches
Enter a numeric value within the Total Service Unit count. Once this value reaches, the alert message is displayed for the remaining units.
When the remaining service unit is more than the threshold value, it is displayed in the Interactive Entitlement screen in Green color.
When the remaining service unit is between 0 and the threshold value, it is displayed in the Interactive Entitlement screen in Orange color.
When the remaining service unit value is 0, it is displayed in the Interactive Entitlement screen in Red color.
Threshold Units Remaining
This is a formula field and is not editable. It calculates the total count deducted by the consumed count of the service units and displays the result value.
This value is displayed only on the View page of the Entitled Service, not on the Create page.
If the remaining count is 0 or negative, the Entitled Service is not picked by the auto-entitlement engine.
If the remaining count is 0 or negative, the Entitled Service can still be selected in the interactive entitlement screen.
Entitlement Processes: The Entitlement Engine looks for Entitled Service. It populates the corresponding SLA for the respective object to trigger Milestone records.
Case Entitlement Process
Select a case entitlement process from the available list. The Case SLA record is created based on your selection.
If you remove the Case Entitlement Process from this field, it deletes the associated Case SLA record.
The Case SLA is updated automatically based on the Case Entitlement Process field value.
Work Order Entitlement Process
Select a work order entitlement process from the available list. The Work Order SLA is created based on your selection.
If you remove the Work Order Entitle Process from this field, it deletes the Work Order SLA record.
The Work Order SLA is updated automatically based on the Work Order Entitlement Process field value.
4. Click Save. A confirmation message is displayed after successful validation.
To save the record and clone it for another record, click Save & Clone. The record is saved, and a pop-up is displayed with the same data for the new record.
User Actions
The Entitled Services tab allows you to perform the following actions.
Edit: From the item drop-down, click Edit to edit the details.
Clone: From the item drop-down, click Clone to create another Entitled Services with the existing details.
Delete: From the item drop-down, click Delete to remove it from the list.
Search: Use the search box to search for the item based on Name, Contract Line, or Asset.
View: Click the Service Name link to view the details of an item. The View screen allows you to edit, clone, and delete the record.
Sort: Click the column header to sort the list in ascending or descending order.
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