Asset 360 Suite > Field Service Asset 360 Data Model > Warranty Management Data Model
Warranty Management Data Model
An Asset can have one or more Asset-Warranties. Mismanagement of warranty coverage can result in service being provided for free and can lead to claims not being submitted to OEM vendors. This results in uptime disruption and missed upsell opportunities.
Asset 360 Automate asset warranty creation to track warranty coverage. Warranties are created based on predefined business criteria like product type or family, work order or account type, and geography.
An Asset-Warranty has a direct one-to-one relationship with Warranty Terms, which is the master-detail child of the Asset. Asset-Warranties are referenced by Work Order, Case, and Return Order.
Asset Qualifier, Warranty Configuration, and Execution Logs are stored in custom objects. All other objects illustrated in this diagram are native Salesforce objects.
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